50 / Midnight Amusement Park

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"Hello friends it's been a while!" Han started their new SKZ CODE youtube video, "Hannie!"



"Binnie." Changbin spoke in the most agyeo voice.

"Minnie." Seungmin copied him.

"Bbogi." Felix said.


"Know!" They all laughed at Minho.

"It's Chan!"

"Everyone it's been so long!" Han continued, "We've been preparing for our comeback! So we haven't been posting a lot. You guys missed us right?"

"I think they missed me the most." Summer flipped her hair.

"I'm getting annoyed." Hyunjin said.

"You're getting annoyed?" Han decided to act all cute.

"Then you need to relieve your stress." Felix spoke.

"Where are we going today?" Seungmin sounded like he really wanted to leave.

"First I prepared this." Felix showed the headbands he had brought for the group, "Pick the headband you want." He spoke. Summer waited to see which was the last one. Hyunjin and Seungmin both had dog ones, Chan and I.N had duck ones, Changbin and Felix had bunny ears and Lee Know and Han had tiger ones. The only one that was left was the extra cat ears ones.

"Why did no one want these?" She grabbed the orange cat ears.

"We saved them for you." Minho smiled at her. Summer turned to the camera and put up her hands like they were cat claws.

"I think yours is on backwards." Jeongin told Felix.

"Oh is it." He took it off and found out it really was, "Oh man!" He said as he put it back on his head, "Oh i'm so sorry man!" Chan started playing with the duck on his headband.

"He's gotten strange after dying his hair." Minho said as he looked at Chan.

"He dyed his brain not his hair." Hyunjin said. This made Summer laugh, for some reason.

"We're going to show our stress levels" They split into two teams, bears and rabbits and ducks with tigers. Summer was in the middle, the mediator. The two teams were Gomkki and Hori Bang.

"These are some... Interesting teams names. Now we must scan our stress levels!" Summer said. Felix was at a 48, Changbin got a 52, Hyunjin got a 55. As the next group tried to measure their stress, Seungmin and Hyunjin tried to get Bixby to reset Changbins phone, which was quite comical. Hans stress was at 39, Lee Knows was at 45, I.N got 43, and Chan got 41, finally after it not working, Seungmin tried again. His ended up at 47, "Perfect now we have everyone's stress!" Summer smiled.

"Not yours." Jisung pointed out.

"That's not necessary." She said.

"I think it is." Jisung grabbed her wrist, "Hurry put it on!"

"Jisung this is going ti make me more stressed!" She yelled as she laughed. Felix quickly wrapped the watch around her.

"67." He laughed.

"Oh my god girl. What's going on in your brain?" Hyunjin exclaimed.

"Too much." She sighed.

Then they headed out to Lotte World.

However, before filming each of them got a solo mission of what they have to hear from the members tonight.

"Oh god i'm so nervous." Summer held the slip in her hand. She slowly unveiled it to herself. The words 'Great job!' "Okay okay. I can maybe kind of do this." She showed it to the camera, "Maybe I can't." She face planted on the table

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