134 / Hair

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Her stylists had flown all the way from South Korea to LA just to dye her hair for the new shoot.

"You guys didn't have to do this I don't mind the grown out roots." She said as she sat in the chair.

"Nonsense!" Her stylist yelled, "You must look perfect for this. Do you want us to just touch up the roots and keep you blonde for now? Or do you want a new color?"She said as she played around with Summer's hair.

"Fuck it." She covered her mouth, "I can't say that." The stylist just laughed, "Maybe like really dark red? That's what I was thinking of doing when we went back home anyways." She said.

"Okay!" The stylist smiled as she got to work. Dying her hair was always so scary. Even though everyone would tell her she can pull off anything, she still always felt like this would be the one that she wouldn't be able to pull off.

Hannie: Hey love, the boys and I are all picking up some in n out per Seungmin's request do you want anything? I know you'll be getting your hair done all day.

Eunnie: I'd love some food actually can you grab me a burger?

Hannie: I can indeed. I'll drop it off in a little bit I love you :)

Eunnie: I love you too Ji <3


She sat with her head in the sink of her hotel bathroom. Her and her stylist were laughing together about god knows what. They both heard a knock on the door and her stylist went over to open it.

"Hi Jisung." She smiled.

"Hi Jae." He bowed to her as he walked into the room.

"Jisungie!" Summer shouted from the sink.

"I like the makeshift salon." He laughed as he pulled out the burger from the In n Out bag, "Awe you're doing red." He smiled. She nodded.

"How's it looking? I'm going for a nice dark like cherry red" She spoke.

"You look great in it." He smiled.

"You say that about everything." She laughed.

"Because it's true." He found a chair and pulled it up next to her. The three all talked as Jae washed out Summers hair. She put her hair up in a towel to let it dry while she sat with Jisung and ate her burger.

"Noona!" Jeongin walked right into the room with six boys behind him.

"Yea?" She asked.

"What's your hair look like?" The boys all smiled in the doorway.

"I dyed it orange." She lied.

"Really? What type? Like light or like a more ginger or neon? Did you do neon?" Changbin seemed excited about this as did all the others. Her plan had backfired.

"I was kidding." She laughed, "I'm not that fun. It's just a dark red." She shrugged.

"It's really pretty. It's like dark red with a hint of brown." Jisung smiled.

"Jisung you haven't seen it dry either."

"I don't need to. Jae always does a great job and you always make it look gorgeous no matter what." He laughed.

"I can dry it now if you want Haeun." Jae smiled at her.

"Why not. I'm gonna close the bathroom door through." She brought her burger in with her, "No peeking." She shut it.

"I think she should do neon orange next." Changbin smiled.

"No she needs to do blue!" Jeongin yelled.

"Guys I thought we agreed on purple." Seungmin said.

"I love listening to them bicker about your hair color." Jae laughed.

"They do this all the time. They're funny." She smiled.

"We can change it when you get back from Paris. Or just sometime next month if you'd like." She said.

"No, I want to keep this for a while, I like it." She touched her hair.

"I'm not letting your roots grow out that much again though. That was terrible." She shook her head in disgust.

"I didn't mind it I thought it was cool with my blonde hair."

"As your stylist, I would probably lose my job." The two laughed.

"Okay you guys ready?" They all sat around her room and waited for her grand entrance. Her hair was trimmed a bit too, now being a small bit shorter than before and layering was much more noticeable than it had been for months. Her hair color was striking yet calm. In a dimly lit room it would have seemed just like a dark brown, in the sun it would seem like a more vibrant red. In the middle was perfect, a nice beautiful dark red color that she adored.

"Awe it's so pretty!" Felix smiled.

"I think it suits you." Chan spoke.

"Do you guys like it?"

"Duh we do. We'd love it no matter what." Minho laughed, "Unless it was ugly." Summer laughed and punched his arm.

"I like it. I did a good job." Jae smiled at her.

"Per usual." Summer replied, "Thank you so much." She hugged her.

"It's my job." She replied as she hugged her back, "They're going to love it for the shoot tomorrow."


Summer: Guess what

Jungsu: What

Summer: I dyed my hair


Summer: Okay okay one second

Summer: Attachment: 1 Image

Jungsu: OH MY LORD


Summer: Awee really?

Jungsu: Yeah. I mean i'll probably say that about any color you dye your hair but red is definitely your color as of rn ;)


The group of boys was still in the room as she read articles on her phone about Vouge, still nervous as to what she was getting herself into. The boys around her were all talking with one another. She sat on the floor in front of her bed which Hyunjin and Jisung were on the edge of. They both played with her newly dyed hair, twisting it, braiding it, whatever their heart desired. She didn't mind it at all, they were very gentle when playing around with her hair, especially now that it was so soft from the dye. Hyunjin watched her scroll as she read.

"She's nervous." Jisung leaned over and whispered into his ear. Hyunjin only nodded, still watching her scroll. He noticed her tapping her foot as she read, showing she was, indeed, getting more nervous.

A/N: Yay photoshoot next! Sorry for the short chapter!

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