105 / Alone

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"Bye guys!" Hyunjin started to walk towards the front door, six boys following him.

"What where are you going?" Summer asked from the couch. Her and Jisung were cuddled up together in eachothers clothes. A blanket was tossed over them as they watched a movie.

"Somewhere. Remember how I said we'd let you two have a day to yourselves? Well..." Changbin smiled.

"I thought you were joking about that." Jisung laughed.

"I did too." Changbin replied.

"I thought it would be nice for you two." Jeongin smiled, "But don't you dare do anything to her you hear me Jisung?" Jeongin pointed a finger at him.

"Understood sir." Jisung saluted him.

"Bye bye love birds." Chan waved.

"Wait!" Summer called. They all stopped in their tracks and turned to face her, "When will you be back?"

"Tonight. We'll text you don't worry." Minho winked at her.

"Okay." She smiled, "Love you boys!"

"Love you too. Have fun!" Seungmin said as he walked out.

"But not too much fun." Felix closed the door behind him. As soon as they heard the door shut they looked at eachother.

"What do you want to do, my love?" Jisung smiled at her.

"Maybe some movies maybe some drinks and we'll just see where the day takes us." She smiled back.

"Perfect." He turned back to the TV to finish the movie. She moved closer to him and kissed his cheek.


A few movies later, they had each had a few drinks, not quite enough to be drunk however. She was laying on top of him, playing with his hair as they talked.

"Sometimes I wonder where i'd be if I never moved here." She spoke.

"Where do you think you'd be?" His hands softly rubbed her back.

"Still in California. Probably fostering kids with some sort of job." She shrugged, "I don't know what though. Do you ever think about if you weren't an idol?"

"I'd still be doing something with music. I've always loved it, expressing my feelings through songs." He smiled, "Have you always been so talented at singing?"

"I guess. I mean one day I was kinda like hey let's audition and see what happens. So I mean I was good enough at least." She laughed.

"And now you're better than everyone." Jisung hugged her.

"I wouldn't go that far."

"To me you are." He dug his face into her neck.

"Oh sweetheart." She kissed his forehead. He puckered up his lips, "Awe do you want a kiss?" He nodded, "No!" She giggled and got off of him, running to the kitchen.

"Noona!" He whined.

"Jeogiyo noona hoksi namjachingu isseoyo!"

"That was like six years ago!" He yelled. She came back in with two more drinks.

"And i'll never let you live it down." She leaned down and kissed him.

"You know my verse in that song was loosely based on you." He took a sip of his drink.

"You're fucking kidding me." She laughed, "No way no way no way!" She had tears in her eyes from laughing so much.

"I know I know it's so cheesy." He laughed with her.

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