152 / Flashbacks

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"Listen up." Jisung stormed into the office with two boys following him.

"I have a feeling I know what this is about." JYP chuckled, "I already came to a conclusion Han Jisung. Save your voice for what it's good for."

"My voice is good for standing up for my girlfriend." He replied, "So that's what i'm here to do."

"She is not your girlfriend anymore Jisung. You two are not allowed to be together. End of story."

"She will always be my girlfriend. Until she's my fiancé and then my wife. You're not taking her away from me. If I lose her you lose me." His voice was harsh and to the point.

"Yeah!" Changbin pumped his fist up behind Jisung. Chan grabbed his arm and lowered it down as the conversation in front of them proceeded.

"Han Jisung, you and her cannot be together it will lead to fans believing they were right about her cheating on Jungsu and then she's going to get even more hate. I'm doing this for her own good."

"For her own good my ass. You think taking her away from the people she loves the most is going to help her? Hell half of the boys are sitting in our dorm bawling because she's leaving. How is this going to help us at all JYP? Why can't her and I just stay a secret to the public until it's okay to announce?" He asked.

"My mind is already made up."

"Then I'm out."

"You're contract doesn't end for two more years."

"Consider this a two year hiatus."


Jungsu: What did he want to talk to you about?

Summer: He knows about Jisung and I

Jungsu: Shit. I'm so sorry Haeun. What happened?

Summer: I have to move out. Maybe even go on hiatus. My life is falling apart Jungsu.

Jungsu: Want to come over here? You're always welcome here. If you need anything okay?

Summer: Maybe i'll take you up on that once I stop crying.

She turned off her phone as she laid on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Thinking about everything she was about to lose again.


"Noona I don't get it!" Jeongin whined as he put his pencil down furiously.

"The only thing you did wrong was multiply this instead of adding it Jeongin." She laughed as she ruffled his hair, "You're getting too down on yourself you're smarter than you think."

"I wish these exams were singing instead of algebra." He rolled his eyes.

"Don't we all." She giggled.

"Thank you for helping me. I'm sorry it ended up being a lot later than I thought." He sighed.

"Hey that's okay. As long as you understand it better now i've done my job." She patted his head.


"You lived in California too?!" The boy smiled after Chan introduced them.

"Born and raised baby!" She high fived him.

"Do you miss In N Out as much as I do?" Seungmin asked.

"Who doesn't? I absolutely love it. Hey you and I should hop on the next flight to LA and get a burger." She linked arms with Seungmin.

"Sounds like a plan." The two skipped, hand in hand out of the training room, until they were caught and forced to go back in.

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