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News Report:

Insane Fan tries to kill Idol, Seong Haeun "Summer"

Recent events have been confirmed that a young man, identified as Sung Haru, had attempted to murder Stray Kids only female member, Summer. Summer will give a statement on this once more information has been released on the case.


"I would like to start off this speech by saying how happy I am to still be standing here in front of you all." She stood in front of JYPE with a microphone and a stand, News companies surrounded her. "Over a year ago, I stayed late by myself to train for the songs on our NOEASY album. That night I met Haru. He came into my studio on accident, completely out of breath. I know now that this was all on purpose and only apart of his plan. I left my phone at JYPE that night on accident. Haru and I went to a small diner to get some food together and had a fantastic time. As the night ended I realized I had forgotten my phone. We walked back here to JYPE and the doors were locked. I told him I could just walk home myself but he insisted on taking me. After telling him no, multiple times. He grabbed my arms. Thankfully my sweet members came to the rescue and scared the boy away. I didn't see him at JYPE after that, which I found strange since he was a 'trainee'.

The second meeting with him was during my photoshoot at the beginning of this year. He worked with the director and photographer of the whole thing. He was my makeup artist. He didn't say much to me that day. After that I didn't see him until our shooting for our halloween youtube video. He apparently saw a lot of me as he'd spy on me, follow me everywhere, every move I made. And additionally it was revealed that on Seungmin's birthday when we were all out partying, he attempted to drug me by slipping something into a drink. Thankfully a kind girl saw and let me know.

After the news about Jungsu and I dating, he revealed that was when he started planning to get me during our Halloween production.

On our filming for Halloween, we were in a haunted house. Our crew hired scare actors, Haru was one of them. Except instead of the outfit he was supposed to use, he brought his own. A clown costume, along with an axe. This was cut out of the final video, but I was chased by him and somehow barely escaped by running into a nearby room. After this, he joined my fan call at the beginning of this month. I did not say a word and immediately closed my lap top. I thought about a hiatus however I knew being alone and away from what makes me happy would ruin it all. So I decided to keep doing what I love and spending time with the people I love. Then texts started coming in after our performance in Jakarta. I was terrified for my life these past few weeks.

Two nights ago I figured out who It was, Haru and I met in an abandoned church. There he threatened to kill me and tired to attack me. Once the cops showed up he held a gun to my head. One of the cops fired at him which scratched my cheek. That is why I have this cut. The shot did not kill Haru since he was shot in the arm. It hurts that someone would do this to me, however, Haru is not all of Stay, therefore I will keep working hard to please all of Stay. No matter the hardships I go through Stay and my boys," She motioned to Stray Kids and Xdinary Heroes who were off to the side, "will always come first. Thank you all." She smiled and walked away from the podium. She went to where the boys were all sitting.

"Good job." Jeongin whispered as he rubbed her back.

"Thank you." She leaned back onto him and sighed.


"What ran through to it head during the shooting of your halloween video?" She was now, only a few days later getting interviewed on this... for the fourth time already. God it was like JYP was using this tragedy as publicity.

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