64 / Party

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They had recently finished filming their Case 143 music video. Today was September 22nd Seungmins golden birthday. Today and the 23rd were the only days they'd have off from filming for a few weeks.

"It's Seungmins golden birthday!" Summer came out into the living room, holding Seungmins arm, "This calls for a celebration. Where are we going tonight?"

"God September is just a party month isn't it?" Chan laughed.

"Hey I wasn't the one who put this group together." She put her hands up, "Seungmin what are we doing for your birthday?" She pretended to hold a microphone.

"Getting wasted!" He yelled into the fake microphone.

"I like the sound of that. Party!!" She smiled.

"Did I hear someone say party?" Changbin came running out of his room.

"You sure did, It's a big birthday for Minnie so we're going to party out hearts out." She smiled.

"Party squad!" Seungmin smiled. Those three were always the partiers, no matter the occasion. The three jumped around in a circle together.

"What are we doing? Bar? Clubbing? House party?" Changbin asked.

"We've had calmer party nights for Felix and Jisung, so I say we go clubbing." Seungmin said.

"The birthday boy has spoken!" Summer smiled.

"Oh my lord." Chan laughed as he mumbled to himself.


"Who's ready to get this party started!" She stopped when she got into the living room, "Where's Hyunjin?"

"Still getting ready." Felix laughed, "He's such a drama queen when it comes to clothes."

"I am not." Hyunjin came into the room.

"Good now that the princess is here let's go." Changbin laughed.

"Summer want to do the shot thing with me again?" Seungmin asked her as they got in the car.

"Duh I do!" She smiled.

"You guys are going to be so hung over tomorrow." Jeongin laughed.

"That's why we have tomorrow off!" Summer and Seungmin high fived.


This time it wasn't only Changbin, Seungmin and Summer who were incredibly drunk, the whole group was getting there.

"Nine more shots please!" She ordered at the bar with all the boys standing behind her.

"How many have we had?" Minho asked.

"Like I know." Hyunjin shrugged.

"You just keep taking them until it tastes like water." Changbin laughed.

"I like the way he thinks." Summer pointed at Changbin. She passed out the shots to each member, "Cheers to the one, the only, the lovely, the funny, the sweet, the amazing Kim Seungmin!" They all took their shots.

"Dance time! Let's go guys!" Seungmin grabbed Jeongin and Chan's hands and drug them out to the dance floor. Summer laughed as Chan did the most embarrassing moves. She was on the ground almost crying.

"What are you laughing at?" He said innocently.

"You." She said, still laughing.

"Oh you little-" He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up while she still laughed. He smiled as he hugged her. Once he set her down, she went back to the bar to grab another shot and a nice drink for the birthday boy. As she sat at one of the barstools she watched the eight boys, her eight boys, dance. God she loved them so much. She wanted to run out there and hug all of them while sobbing just because she loved them so much. She didn't even realize the shot and drink sitting on the counter because she was staring at them for so long.

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