22 / Preformance (Seoul)

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"You guys ready?" They stood backstage, 5 minutes until the show started.

"Yea!" Summer gave a thumbs up. As the manager walked away.

"Are you sure?" Hyunjin asked as he left.

"Absolutely not i'm terrified guys." She laughed, "But ya know fake it till you make it."

"We'll be right here if you need anything, I promise." Jisung put a hand on her back.

"Thank you Ji. I guess let's do this." She smiled at all of them.

"Here we go!" Chan shouted and they all put their hands into the center of the circle.

"One... Two... Three... Stray Kids!" They all shouted. Thunderous started playing as they all ran onto stage into their position. The song played and everything went smoothly.

"Welcome Stay!" Chan said as the group grabbed water. Cheers were heard everywhere.

"We're so happy to be here with you guys tonight." Seungmin smiled.

"And tonight is even more special because it's newest members first performance!" Jisung laughed, "Can we please get a huge round of applause for the best girl I know, Summer!" He motioned to her and she took a bow.

"Han you're too kind." She laughed, "It's great to be here and preform for you all! I'm not going to lie i'm so nervous right now." She paused as she laughed, "Because I don't want to disappoint Stay at all. So I will show you all my best tonight." Cheers we're heard everywhere.

"I love you Summer!" Someone yelled just as the place got a little quiet.

"Awe sweetie I love you too." She held up a heart with her hands. The concert went wild.

"It seems like you've already become some people's bias." Jeongin whispered to her. She smiled back at him with some blush on her face.

"You guys want to hear another song?" Hyunjin asked the crowd and once again a cheer erupted.

"How about..." Changbin trailed off and the intro to DOMINO started playing. During this song, Summer and Felix have a duet. For each concert these two get to choose what they do for choreography during it. They decided tonight that she would get on his shoulders and they would sing it together. Once it got close to their part the two went to the back of the group and Felix squatted down.

"You ready?" He smiled.

"Yep. Tap on my leg if I start hurting you and i'll get down." She smiled as she got onto his shoulder.

"One by one go down down down down, One by one they follow." It went perfectly. The crowd absolutely loved it. Felix grabbed her arms and she jumped down as they finished the song.

"Yell if your favorite part was Summer and I's duet!" Felix said, the place erupted in screams as he lifted his shirt up.

"Hey that's cheating!" Hyunjin yelled as he pointed at Felix.

"What's cheating?" Summer smirked as she lifted up her shirt, showing her abs. The crowd went even crazier. She let go of her shirt as she laughed at Hyunjins face. She was literally running around the stage crying with laughter.

"I think next, we should do a throwback." I.N spoke into his microphone. God's Menu started to play. Summer wasn't in this song or dance so she got to stay in the back and watch. She knew the dance by heart though and still did some of the moves. She smiled at how proud she was of those boys. Little did she know fans also noticed her in the back doing this and absolutely loved it. Videos of her reacting and dancing to God's Menu would be all over the internet. People loved Summer.

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