141 / Time Out #1 MT (Part: 2)

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Finally it was her turn to go up to chose the dinner food. She got up the stairs and was immediately met with four boys staring at her through the window, "That's scary." She pointed at them, "I don't like them staring at me." She laughed nervously as she ran to the table, "What did you guys choose?" She asked. They all just looked at her, "My woman's intuition is telling me they've picked some type of meat already. Since they're all hungry men." She laughed as she looked at all of them. They all had the same :] face, "Wait am I wrong?" They didn't give her any clues, "If this was for me i'd choose the fruit, because i'm a girl who loves her sweet fruits, but I feel like they'll all be mad at me if I do that. Maybe we need some rice. That's a safe bet right? Wait what if one of them already took the safe bet? I hate this game." She gripped her hair with both her hands as she sighed deeply, "Oh but the strawberries look so good. No one will choose those. But then again the veggies. I'm cancelling out any meat because I know someone has chosen that or will chose it." She looked over to the boys as she put her hands over the veggies, they all had smiles on their faces. She moved them to the fruit and they all turned sad, "Oh come on I want fruit." She rolled her eyes, "If I choose the veggies can I eat the fruit later for desert if no one chooses it?"

"No." One of the crew members laughed.

"This is so sad. I'll go with the ssam veggies." She groaned as she went outside.

"Good job."

"We'll done."

"I gave up my fruit for you losers." She said as she closed the door.

"Next is Hyunjin. He won't choose rice." Jeongin spoke.

"You guys wanted rice?! Goddamn it!" She groaned.

"Why is it Changbin?"


"Where's Hyunjin?"

"I think they called Changbin because Hyunjin is singing." They all stood at the window, watching carefully.

"Changbin is going to choose meat. 100%." Felix laughed. Changbin then started heading to the door.

"Where do I go?" He asked. Jeongin pointed towards the food, "Oh I have to choose?" He made his way over to the table.

"Look at our facial expressions!" Jisung said. Then Changbin started walking to the door again.

"Did I do good?"

"You're done?" They all looked at him, confused.

"I chose that." I mean it wasn't an overlap, so It worked.

"Why didn't you look at us?" Felix asked.

"I needed to look at you guys?"

"How was he so calm and I was having like a mental breakdown while trying to pick." Summer laughed. Next, Lee Know. He didn't talk, only moved his hand over the different foods and looked at the members reaction before choosing the fry veggies randomly. The group all had on different expressions, leaving Minho confused.

"I can go now right?" He asked and left to go to the patio.

"No one has chosen rice!"

"We need the rice!"

"Choose rice!"

"I was going to choose the rice!" Summer crouched down into a ball. Then Chan walked up the stairs and immediately noticed the seven staring at him from outside. He did a similar thing to Minho, where he moved around to each food, looking at the members reactions. He was about to grab the same plate Summer chose, "If he grabs that plate i'm going to start bawling." After Lee Know using his crazy eyes to point to the rice, Chan finally chose the food the group had been waiting for. As he walked out the group all clapped for him. As soon as the group saw Hyunjin they started banging on the window.

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