118 / Performance (Osaka)

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The group all sat on the floor, curious as to what this video was that the staff had made for them. They all looked at the screen as they watched the clips of Bang Chan play and the voiceover of Stays talking about him. This wasn't even about her yet she felt the tears already coming. She looked over to Chan who had the happiest and proudest expression on his face. Then Lee Know showed up, oh god she wanted to cry even more. By the time it had gotten to her turn she was already crying.

Hey Summer!
Hi Summer!
I think your name fits you a little too well. I've started to think more about you than the season whenever I hear your name.
You're really the light in my life, always making all of Stay happy with your contagious smile. Your efforts and talents never fail to amaze me. I feel safe listening to you, you've become my comfort person. Thank you for coming into my life. I love you Haeun!

She was bawling. Absolutely bawling. The realization that she means that much to people had finally set in. The sweet kind words about the four boys after her made it even worse. She sobbed for them.

Hi Stray Kids!
Stray Kids Hi!
Just wanted to let you know that you guys are killing it and continue to do what you do!
I became a STAY only last year, but it has been the best year of my life.
Becoming a STAY was probably the best decision of my life!
Stay we will never leave you guys, we will always be by your side.
Stray Kids I just wanted to thank you for being the light in my dark, very dark, tunnel.
You are a light in everyone's world
There is a saying that goes where there's a shadow there's a light. Thank you so much for being the light that lessens the shadow for so many
Thank you guys for working so hard on this tour we all had the best time of our lives!
Stray Kids everywhere all around the world
You make STAY stay.

The screens turned to the group. Summer was covering her face now as she sobbed. He knees were up to her chest. The camera panned to her and she looked up from behind her hands to hear people screaming for her. She laughed a little as she continued to cry. Seungmin threw an arm around her as she leaned into him, covering her face again. Once she finally looked up again she noticed it wasn't just her. She got up and looked back at the thousands of beautiful faces staring back at her. The love and affection she felt at that moment was unmatched. She ran over to Felix who was crying just as much as she was, crashing into him with a loving hug. They didn't exchange any words. She just had one arm wrapped around his neck and the other held the back of his head. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist as they cried. She looked over to notice Changbin crying too as he still sat on the edge of the stage. Her and Felix both made their way over to him. Once he finally stood up they all got together in a giant group hug.

"I love you guys with everything I have." Summer cried, "You're my everything, each and everyone of you."

"I love you guys too. Thank you for coming into my life." Felix gave a small smile as tears fell down his cheek.

"We're more than just family here. We have each found our eight soulmates." Chan's words made Summer break down again.

"Thank you for letting me into this group. I've never felt more at home than this moment." She looked into each of their eyes. She Felt Felix rub her shoulder as she finished. As she looked around at all of their faces she noticed that now Jeongin and Seungmin were also bawling. Once they broke from the group hug Jisung went over to Jeongin who was bent over, crying. Seungmin wiped his tears off with his shirt and the puppy ears of his hat. Summer sat on the ground with her knees into her chest, staring up at stay as tears kept falling from her eyes. Jeongin was now crouched down into a ball crying into his arms. Felix, who was also crying comforted Jeongin by sitting beside him and rubbing his back. Jisung and Minho were two of the members who had yet to shed a tear, they found their job now being to comfort their members. Summer looked over to see Jeongin and Felix crying together, just when she thought it wasn't possible, the scene made even more tears fall from her eyes. At that point she hid her face as her shoulders went up and down with her sobs. She was off to the side, alone and away from the group. She pulled her legs tighter to her chest, desperately trying to stop the sobs so they could get back to the show, but it was becoming impossible. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her.

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