143 / Time Out #1 MT (Part: 4)

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"What are you doing?" She heard Jeongin speak.

"Wake up!" Seungmin jumped on top of Jeongin. Summer was too tired to even try to wake up.

"Its cozy in here." Jeongin smiled as he finally started to wake up.

"Summer!" Seungmin yelled abruptly, causing her to jump.

"What?" She said groggily.

"You need to wake up." He laughed, "It's nice in here. You two got the biggest bed."

"Yeah and i'd like to stay in it." She put her pillow over her face.

"Well we have a mission at 10." He said as he rubbed the back of his head, "I hit my head while trying to wake you guys up."

"Good." Jeongin said as he rolled over. Seungmin then went out of the room.

"Eight minutes!" He yelled.

"Im so tired maybe i'll just skip the mission." Summer said.

"Nope come on." Jeongin dragged her out of the bed.


After they got down stairs, Summer picked a baby card and a place for their mission. Like Changbin and Lee Know, she also got lucky and picked her own. It was a picture of her with a book sitting on the couch. She looked to be about 3 in the picture. And the place she chose, in a tree.

"In a tree?" She exclaimed, "I'm barely awake and now I gotta climb a tree." Lastly, for her picture she needed the book. She ran around the house, knowing someone somewhere had to have a book someplace. One of the camera men followed her around as she desperately looked for a book, "Ahah!" She found a book in Hyunjin's room, "Should I ask him if I can use this?" She asked the camera man, "I probably should." She quickly dialed Hyunjin's number.

"Yes Haeun?"

"Can I maybe borrow the book from your room pretty please?"

"I guess." He sighed, "But if anything happens to it you're buying me another one."

"Yes sir I will protect this book with my life." She said, "How far are you?"

"I haven't started."

"You better make me some omelettes then."

"I don't want to make breakfast!" He whined.

"Then hop to it Jinnie. Goodluck."

"Goodluck. Wait no. Bad luck I want you to make us breakfast."

"What why me?"

"Remember Innies birthday?"

"Ohhhh. Well not today!" She hung up the phone before he could answer, "Let's go!" She quickly changed into a matching outfit to the photo, a green shirt with blue shorts and sneakers. These definitely were not all her clothes, but hey at least she was lucky that the boys brought some clothes of those colors. Then she and the cameraman went outside. There were trees everywhere, however, she was not great at climbing them. She found one that was low(ish) enough to climb, "Could you hold this while I try to climb it?" The camera man took the book as he filmed her attempt to climb the tree, "Damn and I thought I was strong." She was constantly sliding back down the tree, "I'm probably so behind." She said as she slid down the tree, for the like 7th time.

"What the-" Han and Seungmin stopped as they passed by.

"Can one of you help me?" She pleaded.

"With what?"

"I need to get in the tree."

"In?!" Jisung yelled.

"Yeah I gotta sit on that branch." She pointed.

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