63 / Sound Check

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God she was so tired. It was their second preformance in Seoul. She hadn't slept due to partying so much for Felix and Hans birthdays. She had barely slept since September 14th, probably a total of 10 hours in the past four days. Of course on the 16th, the one day she had off, she only fell asleep for four hours. It was early enough that she could take a decently long nap before the concert, however they had to do a sound check.

"How bad would it be if I didn't do the sound check." She asked Chan.

"Pretty bad. Sleep now that way you can get 2 hours in before the sound check, and then a little more afterwards." He smiled at her as he tossed a blanket over her. She was laying on the floor, there was a perfectly good couch about 4 steps away from her, yet somehow she didn't make it there.

"Wake me up." She fell asleep right on the floor. Her Chan and Hyunjin were the only ones in there.

"Oh come on Haeun, at least lay on the couch so you're comfortable." He said to her. No response, "I'll just pick her up." He kneeled down and picked her up with ease. She was sound asleep in his arms, she looked small next to him, but she looked even smaller in his arms.

"I swear to god this girl needs to take better care of herself. I'm going to need to start taking her phone away or something." Chan laughed as Hyunjin laid her down, carefully on the couch.


"Wake up Summer!" Seungmin shook her like there was a zombie apocalypse going on. Her eyes shot open.

"What? What? What's wrong?" She sat up as she looked around at the eight boys laughing.

"Nothing." Seungmin laughed.

"You scared the shit out of me Seungmin." She held her chest as her heart raced.

"Sound check is in 30 minutes Summer." Chan said, still laughing.

"Then thirty more minutes of sleep." She laid back down on the couch.

"You're taking up the whole couch come on I want to sit down." Changbin whined.

"Yea get up." Seungmin stood next to Changbin with his arms crossed.

"I'm sleeping I can't hear you." She was laying on her back with her eyes closed. Suddenly she felt weight on top of her. She opened her eyes to see Changbin laying on her, "Why hello there." She looked at him.

"Howdy." He laid is head on her chest.

"I want to join!" Seungmin jumped on top of Changbin.

"You guys are going to crush me to death." Summer said.

"Are you saying we're fat?" Seungmin looked surprised.

"I never said that." She replied.

"Watch out!" Minho laid on top of Seungmin. This poor girl had the weight of three grown men laying on her.

"It's gonna be real funny when you crush one of my ribs and I gotta go to the hospital and never preform ever again so i'll have to move out and never see any of you ever." They all immediately got off of her, "That's what I thought." She sat up. And opened her mouth to ask a question but before she could say anything.

"There's coffee down the hall." Jisung smiled at her.

"How'd you know?" She stood up, smiling at him, "Thank you Ji." She walked out of the room and down the hall to the coffee station. She came back with an energy drink and a cup of coffee.

"Girl. Your heart is going to stop one of these days." Felix laughed as she walked in.

"I lived a pretty good life." She shrugged.


"Hello everyone who's here for the sound check!" Chan spoke on stage, "We're here to just have some fun with you all." He smiled.

"I'm going to be so real right now." Summer spoke into the microphone, "I am barely awake. So if I mess up. No I didn't." The crowd all laughed with her. There was a group of about 100 people watching their sound check. They preformed a few songs just standing and walking around. Tonight was their first performance of a few of their new songs on MAXIDENT, specifically their split tracks. Summer was going to preform Can't Stop, alongside Seungmin and I.N. She loved this song, she loved to preform it even more with those two.

As they practiced their songs, 3Racha went first. The other six got to watch them preform. Summer found her eyes only on one person, Han Jisung. She didn't know why she couldn't take her eyes off of him, everytime she tried they'd fall back to him. It didn't take long for him to notice this, as he was looking at her quite often too. He had a smirk on his face whenever he caught her looking at him which made her blush. She tried to hide it, but Jisung knew.

DanceRacha. She knew the song was sexy, but the dance caught her so off guard. She was flustered just like any other fan girl. Han was sitting next to her now, still proud of himself for making her blush like that. She watched Felix, Hyunjin and Minho with her jaw on the ground. She honestly covered her eyes at some parts because she was so taken off guard, as did some of the other boys. But god. Minho's voice. She wanted that sound to reply in her brain forever, he sounded so angelic in this song.

Lastly was VocalRacha. The best roommates ever. The six other boys sat down and watched them preform their upbeat cute song. All three of them were so cute preforming, Summer never really preformed one of these types of songs before. She was nervous that she wouldn't be able to pull it off, but just singing such a fun song with such fun boys made it so easy for her to have the biggest smile on her face.

Oh Oh I can't stop falling in love with you

After the three of them sang this together, she gave a wink to the group of 6 boys. Maybe it was meant for one of them. Maybe it was just to play along with the cuteness, but it got a few of them blushing.

At that moment he remembered their kiss months ago. Jisung wanted nothing more than her. He just wanted her. He wanted to call her his. He'd never be able to as long as they're in this industry, in the same group. JYP would never allow that. He didn't want that to stop him. He remembered Chan saying he wouldn't say anything if they were to date in private. He had to do something, confess? But she already knew. Ask her out? But what if she said no? What if she was still unsure of her feelings? He didn't want to burden her more by making her choose. This love shit was too confusing for not just him, but everyone involved in it.

A/N: Drama to come HELP GUYS SKZ TRAILER FOR THE COMEBACK CAME OUT https://youtu.be/6emgiatRGu4 AHHHH

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