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"Summer!" The boys all shouted as she walked through the door.

"Hi hi!" She smiled.

"How was it?"

"What did you wear?"

"What did they ask you?"

"Was Haru rude?"

"Did you have fun?"

"Woah woah woah guys calm down. It was fun, a street style photo shoot so like baggy clothes and such, very much my style. They asked me a ton of questions. You guys can wait to see those until they release the video though. Haru was... interesting, but nothing much happened there. And yes I had a great time." She laughed.

"Well that's all good to hear. Why can't you tell us any of the interview though?" Chan asked.

"There's a part that's going to be pretty sentimental to all of you, I don't want to spoil it." She laughed, "There were some other normal questions like how hard it was for me to learn Korean at first, If I have any tattoos or piercings, uhh, oh they asked me a really weird question that I didn't answer. So I doubt that they'd put that in."

"What was it?" Hyunjin looked confused.

"They asked me who i'd date out of the eight of you if I like had to choose. Isn't that weird? Like come on give me one reasonable explanation to answer that. No matter who I said it would cause an uprising everywhere. And we'd all get backlash for it. I think they just don't think these questions through sometimes." She rolled her eyes, "So insensitive." She went to go sit down on the couch.

"Oh." They all looked around at eachother confused. They understood her answer, but they also wanted to know her answer to the question.

"Oh quit being so quiet." She laughed as she grabbed the remote, "I'll show you some of the pictures in a little, they said they'd send it to me later today. Then you guys can watch the interview in like two days. Oh! Chan, Yijoon, the interviewer said he loves Red Lights. Just thought I should tell you."

"What an honor." Chan smiled

"I want to see pictures!" Seungmin ran and jumped onto the couch right next to her.

"Let me grab my computer," She went to her room and quickly grabbed it, "Oh they've already sent it to me." She put her laptop down on the table as all the boys gathered around. She opened the E-Mail with her attached photos, "This is the first i'm seeing them too. So don't be too mean. Oh by the way, It's called 'Natural Summer' because it's all in my style and my real answers to their questions and stuff. Okay anywho." She quickly opened the attachments.

"Girl you look great." Felix patted her head, "Did you get to keep that shirt?"

"Man I wish. It was so comfy." She laughed as she clicked through the photos.

"I really like them. Can we send them in to post on the instagram?" Chan asked her.

"Not yet I have to wait for them to edit and stuff with the video. They'll let me know when we can post it." She closed her computer.

"I'm very proud of you Summer." Changbin patted her back.

"Why thank you." She did a little bow, "I do hope I can do more out of my comfort zone ones in the future."


"Guys!" Hyunjin bursted out of his room. It was two days later by now, around 7 in the morning. Everyone except him Felix and Summer was already up and either in the kitchen, living room or at the dining table, "The interview came out." Felix followed Hyunjin out.

"We have to watch it." Felix said as he jumped excitedly.

"Should we wake Summer up?" Seungmin asked.

"Let's let her sleep. I think she'll be okay if we watch it." Jeongin smiled. "Here out the laptop on the coffee table we'll all watch it on the couch." He scored stuff off to clear space.

Hyunjin clicked play on the video, "Hi! My name is Summer, I am apart of the group, Stray Kids." She smiled brightly.

"She's so cute." Changbin said as they all watched intently.

"You don't like Red Lights?"

"I think it's a great song and Hyunjin, Chan and I did great with it, sometimes I just get a little embarrassed with it is all. I'm not used to preforming sexy songs like that."

"For someone who's not used to preforming that stuff she's really good at it." Hyunjin smiled. They all jumped quickly when an abrupt sound of a door shutting flooded the house.

"Morning guys." She walked out of her room yawning, she wore Hyunjins shirt, and one of the boys sweatpants. No one knew anymore, "What are you guys watching?" She asked as she made a cup of coffee.

"You're interview." Jisung laughed, "I'm glad you like my lyrics." He winked.

"What- How far are y-"

"Next question. What's your favorite thing about each member?"

"Oh no. This is so embarrassing." She face palmed. She was embarrassed that the next like full two minutes was just her spewing her heart out about each member. Of course she meant all of it, which is why it was even more embarrassing. They were at her talking about Hyunjin now as she slowly started to walk back to her room trying to go unnoticed.

"Summer stay out here." Chan said, his eyes still focused on the video and her words. They all looked so interested and moved. She didn't reply, but stood drinking her cup of coffee while she waited for that part of the interview to end. As soon as he started asking the next question they paused it. She covered her face.

"What are you covering your face for?" Hyunjin laughed, "Are you embarrassed?" He got up and walked to her.

"Who said that?" She replied.

"You. Earlier when you came out here." He smirked, "Come here." He hugged her, "I like your shirt sweetie." He whispered in her ear. Before she could reply (if she even could) all the other boys piled around the two.

"Haeun, I love you." Jisung sobbed into the hug.

"We don't deserve you." Felix cried.

"Oh quit being big babies." She laughed as they stopped hugging her, "but I meant everything I said, about each and every one of you." She pointed around to all of them.

"Why were you embarrassed about this?" Changbin asked her.

"Because I was nervous. It's basically me spewing my heart out so." She shrugged a little, "It's a little scary."

"Don't be a scared to tell any of us anything. We're all always here for you. Also that was the sweetest thing i've ever seen." Minho gave her a hug and she could tell he started tearing up.

"What did I say about being a big baby?" She laughed.

A/N: sometimes I just like to show how much she loves the boys and visa versa <3

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