117 / Sleepy

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They were going to be on one nonstop flight to Japan instead of stopping in Seoul. The concert dates were too close together to be risking stopping. They sat at the airport waiting for their plane which was to leave at 10pm. Summer, being the dumbass she is, pulled an all nighter. Not because she didn't want to sleep but because she couldn't fall asleep. At all. Now did she tell any of the members that? No. So she sat in that airport almost falling asleep any second while the boys all worried.

"Hey hey hey. Don't sleep yet." Changbin had to keep shaking her awake so she wouldn't fall asleep before the plane ride, "You can do that on the plane to pass time." She nodded to him with her eyes barely opened.

"Jisung." Seungmin turned to him. Jisung had his cheeks stuffed with some snacks from the airport, "Why is she so tired?"

"I don't know I wasn't with her last night." He spoke, "She'll be fine she can sleep on me for the whole plane ride." He smiled, "We just need to keep her up for now so that she can sleep on the plane." He spoke.

"You know we still have an hour till we board right?" Felix chimed in, "Can't we just let her get some sleep for that time." The three all turned to her. She was on a chair with a blanket covering her, Changbin and Jeongin were beside her, talking to her to make sure she didn't fall asleep. When her eyes would close they would either shake her or lightly tap her face until she woke up again.

"Why are you so tired?" Jeongin asked her.

"I didn't sleep last night." She replied with her eyes closing, "Can I just take a nap?"

"No." Changbin said, "Sleep on the plane, I promise it'll be better. Plus once you fall asleep now you'll never wake up and we'll have to carry you onto the plane." He said.

"That's not too bad." She shrugged.

"For you." Changbin laughed.

"Innie." Felix called him over.

"Hm?" The boy said approaching the others.

"Why's she so tired?" Felix asked.

"She didn't sleep last night. She's been up since early yesterday for the concert." He replied.

"She didn't sleep?!" Jisung gasped, "Why? She needs her sleep." Jeongin just shrugged.

"She probably didn't feel like it. The girl is insane sometimes, she probably didn't think it through that our plane doesn't even leave until 10pm." He laughed a little, "She's trying to stay up to sleep on the plane but I don't know if she can." He looked back to Changbin who was currently tapping her face.

"Haeun!" They heard Hyunjin call her. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Huh?" She asked.

"Get up and walk around." He ordered, "I'm going to get a drink come with me." He said.

"Fine." She got up, "But if I fall asleep walking you better carry me back here." She sluggishly walked with her slippers and blanket around her. Her eyes were barely open.

"Is it okay if I take her for a walk Jisung?" Hyunjin asked him. Jisung nodded.

"Take care of her." He said, "Make sure she stays awake."

"Will do." Hyunjin nodded, "Anyone want anything?" He asked.

"Can I come with you guys?" Minho asked, "I want to stretch my legs before the long flight." Hyunjin nodded and held the door open for the two.

"Text me if any of you want anything!" He said as he closed the door.

"How far is it?" She spoke quietly. The blanket was over her head and wrapped around her body, her feet shuffled in her slippers as she walked.

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