102 / Cookies

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"Summer what are you doing up it's 2 in the morning." She read the comment on her live. She was in the kitchen because she couldn't sleep and decided to go live, "I can't sleep and I'm hungry that's why!" She smiled, "Now what's there to eat?" She looked in the fridge, she had her camera set up to get an angle of almost the entire kitchen. She looked in the fridge and spotted a container of cookie dough, "Cookies!" She gasped, "Hello welcome to Summer's cooking show! On todays episode I will be making some cookies." She smiled as she held up the cookie dough.

personA: This live is going to be so interesting I already know it.

"So basically. I put it on a cookie sheet and bake it because i'm lazy and don't want to make cookies from scratch." She smiled as she pulled out a tray for the cookies and preheated the oven, "No one talk about this ever again because i'm not leaving any cookies for the boys. So this is our secret, none of them will ever know I made these okay?" She started putting the dough on the tray, "Oh my god!" She gasped, "I almost forgot music duh!" She quickly washed her hands and grabbed her phone to turn on music. The first song that came up was 'Drunk-Dazed' by ENHYPEN. She immediately started singing to it as she laid more dough on the tray. "Wait wait wait!" She said getting all the dough off her hands to do the chorus choreography. She stood in the middle of the kitchen doing the choreography while laughing.

personB: I want whatever she's getting fed

personC: Someone get this girl melatonin rn.

"Oh my god! On New Years I met Niki from Enhypen, I don't know if he remembers that but Niki if you see this, Hi again! And everyone else in Enhypen, Hi!" She quickly washed her hands once all the cookies were laid down. And just started doing whatever dances she wanted. She stood in the middle of the kitchen spacing off for a little bit. Her standing in her giant zip up jacket and sweatpants (probably Seungmin's since they were so big) This became a huge meme across the internet after that night, her just staring off into space. She was soon snapped out of her trance when the oven beeped, signifying that it had pre-heated. She danced her way over to the oven and quickly slid the cookies in and set the timer, "Guys i'm going to give you an improve dance cover. Someone give me a song." She said as she looked at the comments.

personD: Oh no

personE: Do WAP

"WAP? I don't think I can do that." She laughed.

personF: Rhinestone Eyes. Please I'm begging.

"Like as in Gorillaz? I think I could do that." She nodded and searched for it on her phone. She clicked the song and immediately turned around to start her dance facing away from the camera. Once the words started she turned back to face the camera, just doing whatever came to her head. At the beat drop she fell onto her knee and did a kick at the camera, it looked actually really cool. She did quite a lot of floor work during the chorus. By the end of song she was quite out of breath.

personA: How the hell did she just do that?

personB: When I joined this live I did not expect to see Seong Haeun dancing to Gorillaz.

"There's your little dance for the night." She smiled at the camera when suddenly Nxde by (G)I-DLE came on, "Okay I lied i'm doing this dance." She smiled and went back to the center of the kitchen doing all of the dance.

personA: I didn't know I needed to see Summer dancing to Nxde until this very second

"My cookies still have like five minutes left. I need to find something entertaining to do." She sat in thought for a second, "Let me work on my splits." She went to the floor.


She put her right leg in front and successfully went into the splits, "Tada!" She smiled, then swiftly switched to her left side, "Tada! Ow this side hurts." She moved her legs so they weren't in the splits anymore. The she slid into the middle splits, she couldn't get all the way down but she was pretty damn close, "Maybe if I stay like this I'll be able to slide down at some point." She put her elbows on the ground and sat there for a minute singing along to music.

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