165 / Pillow

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The next day the group was to perform at SBS. Summer had forgotten how tiring comebacks really were, and it was only day three. Of course she was having a blast but it was still so hectic. Today the group had white and gold on. Summer had the shiny white pants that a few of the members had and shoes that all the members had on. She had on a white t-shirt with a jacket over, similar to Lee Know's outfit, except hers was buttoned and had a lot more gold accents. There was five gold stars going down the back of her shirt, a few gold pins and the buttons and stitching were all gold as well. Of course she needed a few gold chains around her neck. Her hair was left down and slightly wavy. The group then sat in their room, waiting to go on for their live stage.

"My hair feels weird." She said as she touched it. The wavy perm she had felt very different to her. Naturally, her hair was straight and the curl was throwing her off for some reason.

"Don't touch it! It'll go straight if you keep touching it!" Her stylist called.

"Oh! Oh Im sorry!" She quickly reacted which made most of the makeup and hair team as well as some of her members laugh. Jisung was next to Minho on the couch. Minho had his arm draped around Jisung who leaned into the boy next to him. Now was she jealous? No. Well? Maybe. She wanted to be the one he leaned on, but she knew she couldn't. Not yet. She decided to sit on the floor next to Changbin instead, not wanting any rumors to arise. That was another thing she wasn't so fond of. There were people everywhere, meaning she and Jisung had to keep a decent distance for safe measures. Changbin laid on the floor while Summer sat with her legs out in front of her and her back against the wall. She quickly typed away on her phone.

Eunnie: Hi

Jisung looked at the text come in, thankfully his screen wasn't able to be seen on camera. He smiled to himself.

Hannie: Hi

Eunnie: I don't like this

Hannie: Like what?

Eunnie: There's cameras everywhere, I can't be around you

Eunnie: And you're sick I don't want you to be sick

Hannie: Trust me I don't want to be sick either

Hannie: I can't kiss you while i'm sick

Eunnie: Not according to my strong immune system ;)

Hannie: Tonight okay? We have to play it safe. I'm not risking losing you in this group

Eunnie: Fuck JYP man

Hannie: Took the words right out of my mouth

Summer noticed Changbin sleeping on one of her thighs and Hyunjin laying next to him with his feet over hers. He was on his phone. Seungmin laid on Changbin's legs as he pretended to sleep. Summer laughed at the scene in front of her before resting her head on the pile of stuff next to her, inevitably drifting off into her own sleep.

Jisung looked over at the girl. The way her neck fell to the side, he knew she'd wake up with a terrible knot. So the boy took it upon himself to sneak a pillow between her and the stuff her head was resting on, in hopes to spare the hurt in her neck. After sliding the pillow in, he took a step back now standing by Hyunjin's feet. He admired the calmness in her face as she dreamt. Her lips were slightly agape, her chest rose and fell so calmly with each breath she took. The faint sound of her breathing could be heard only if you were close enough. He patted her head, wanting some sort of physical contact with the beautiful girl before stepping away, hoping he hadn't stood there for too long.

"Have you been lying here all this time?" Changbin finally got up from his pillow (her leg), yet she was still too asleep to notice, "My legs are numb!" He said. Seungmin and Changbin laughed, "How long have I been sleeping?"

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