27 / Kiss

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"Oh she's here!" Summer heard Yuna's voice on the other side of the door before it swung open, "Haeun!" She smiled as she threw her arms around her.

"Hi Yuna." She laughed as she hugged back.

"Lia!" Lia said around the corner.

"Lia!" Summer yelled back, they used to always call each other that since Lia was short for Liane. Haeun went to go sit down on their couch as Chaeryeong, Yeji, and Ryujin all came around the corner, "Hi guys!" She said getting back up to hug all of them. She had seen the other girls a tiny bit every once in a while since she their debut, but this was the first time she had seen Ryujin in person since they decided to end things.

"Hi Haeun." Ryujin whispered in her ear as they hugged.

"Hi Ryujin." Ryujin felt her smile.

"We've missed you, come on sit, there's a ton to catch up on." Chaeryeong tapped the seat next to her, motioning for Haeun to sit.


"Hey where's Summer? She's not supposed to leave here." Chan ran into the living room, which Hyunjin, Felix and Minho were all sitting in.

"I don't know? Have you checked her room?" Felix replied.

"Yes of course I've checked her room Yongbok." Chan said back.

"I think she went over to ITZY's dorm." Hyunjin spoke not looking away from the tv.

"That's what Jisung told me too, they invited her over to talk and stuff." Minho also didn't look away from the tv.

"I'm going to go get her." Chan spoke, "If JYP finds out she's not here she may never come back to our group." He was nervous.

"What? She's with another JYP group who knows the situation. She'll be okay Chan don't worry. I trust those girls and Summer." Felix stood up and put a hand on Chan's arm.

"I'll just text her and tell her to be back in here by 7." He looked sad, but the three others couldn't tell why.

Channie: Hey can you be back by 7?


"Oh Chan wants me back by 7. Damn this whole hiatus thing is strict." She laughed with the other girls.

"So what exactly happened that lead to this hiatus?" Yeji asked her.

"Long story shot a guy tried to molest me, so I hit him a bit and then he posted on twitter saying I beat him up for no reason." She shrugged, "This will be over once they look at the footage."

"Oh my god are you okay?" Lia asked.

"I'm good, he didn't get to do anything." She smiled.

"How long do you think the hiatus is going to last?" Chaeryeong put a hand on her leg.

"Hopefully not much longer. They said they're getting detectives and shit so I guess we'll see."

"You're really strong, Haeun." Yuna told her.

"Im trying my best." She looked at her phone, "Oh it's already 6:50? I should probably start heading out." She got her things together and hugged all the girls goodbye.

"We'll do this again soon." Chaeryeong waved as she went to the front door.

"Here let me walk you out." Ryujin followed behind Summer, she closed the front door behind her. "Is this as hard for you as it is for me?" She asked as they stood outside the door.

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