161 / Intro (Part: 2)

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Chapter 3: Things that were our stars

"How do you feel about Collision?" Jisung asked her.

"The title fits the song very well. You did really good on that." She smiled at him.

"Thank you." He did a small polite bow with his head.

"You were very precise with how the recording was with this song." She laughed.

"There was a certain way the song needed to sound to get the lyrics and message across like I wanted them to."

"Your songs never fail to amaze me." She smiled at him, "They're very... you. I feel like if I was given a whole stack of love songs I would be able to pick out the ones you wrote. They're all very..." She paused looking for the right word.

"Petty?" He asked.

"Yes exactly."

"It's even the songs I think aren't. I release them and people always think they're very sad." He said, "Next is FNF."

"It's a super meaningful song that Chan and Felix wrote about Australia. And how they miss the place they grew up which is something I totally understand and i'm sure you do too." Jisung nodded, "Most of our group grew up here in South Korea, but the four of us all left the place we called home for so long and came here. For me, I'll always miss California as it was where my whole childhood took place. There will always be memories I hold there."

"That's how I feel with Malaysia. It was my home for so long, and it will always be apart of me, but sometimes you have to leave that home and there will always be a new one waiting." Jisung smiled, "Youtiful."

"Oh no."

"So the story with this song." Jisung laughed, "Chan had an idea of what the song was as he was going to put it on SKZ-REPLAY. And during our tour in America I thought, 'Hey, let's dedicate this song to Stay and Summer.' So him Changbin and I rewrote the song a bit and the eight of us recorded it as soon as we got back from Paris while Summer was asleep."

"I'm gonna cry again."

"Then the next day Chan called everyone for a meeting and told them we were adding another song to the tracklist because this one wasn't originally on there. Everyone acted all surprised and then we played the 'demo' which was actually the final version and surprised Summer with it." He smiled.

"I was absolutely bawling my eyes out." Summer laughed.

"This is true. The song is our dedication to Stay as well as Summer." He tapped her arm.

Chapter 4: Our language called music

"You helped with changing the lyrics in Super Bowl to English didn't you?" Jisung asked.

"Yes I worked with Felix and Chan on that. They definitely contributed more than I did, but I put in some of that effort." She nodded, "We really didn't want to change the original vibe of the song, which I think we did a good job of. It still sounds very similar to when it was made in Korean. I was really surprised that we changed the song to be fully in English though. It shocked me." She laughed.

Chapter 5: The reason we're special is the work we put in today

"Our group is full of diversity. I think we've all built up ourselves to be able to do anything and everything. Each of us can sing, dance, rap, write. It's truly amazing to have such a hardworking group." Jisung smiled, "Even you who claims she's not good at song writing."

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