92 / Plan

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She waved goodbye to her mom and dad that afternoon to start her drive back. It was a rainy day, not planning to stop any time soon. She didn't go live this time, she just listened to her music and planned out how to talk to Jisung as the rain pounded heavily on her windshield.

As she drove she remembered telling her mom all about Jisung, back when she had just met him. She talked about him all throughout training too. Of course she mentioned everyone else, but Jisung was definitely the name that she said the most. She realized in that moment It was always Jisung. She didn't understand why she didn't realize this before. Even when she liked Minho or Ryujin he was always in the back of her mind one way or another. Of course it was him.
The one who's so attached to her.
The one who'd protect her even when she could do it on her own.
The one who never fails to put a bright smile on her face.
The one she'd always fall asleep on.
The one who she looks up to.
The one she can never take her eyes off of.
The one who gets emotional more than he'd like to admit.
The one who'd drop anything just for her.
The one who put a smile on her face within a minute of meeting her.
The one who would race her back to the car.
The one who acts like a kid with her.
The one who gets jealous so easily.
The one she always felt the most at home with. The one who always looks at her with the most admiration and love in his eyes.
The one who's loved her for so long and stuck with her even when she didn't know herself.
It was always meant to be Jisung.

She was anxious the entire way home. She couldn't help but keep squirming in her seat, playing with her hair, and tapping her fingers for the two hours.


"I'm ho-" She walked in the doorway, only to be met with the eight boys already standing, waiting. Her eyes immediately darted to Jisung with a small smile on her face. She became incredibly nervous once she saw his face.

"Haeun!" They all smiled and ran to her in an instant.

"Guys i'm soaking wet from the rain are you sure you want to-"

"We don't care we missed you so much!" Felix said. She just stood there smiling as her sopping wet hair dripped all over them.

"It wasn't even twenty four hours you bozos." She laughed as they finally released her.

"Yeah and?" Changbin crossed his arms.

"I swear you are the most clingy boys on the planet." She laughed as she started walking to her room to put her stuff away, and let her cat out of her carrier.

"Don't act like you aren't just as clingy." Chan called after her.

"This isn't about me!" She yelled back before closing her door.

"She didn't deny it." Hyunjin laughed.


Summer: Jungsu.

Jungsu: Summer.

Summer: How do you confess to someone?


Summer: I think that would scare him away

Jungsu: I'm just excited dummy

Jungsu: Take him somewhere where it's just you two, and then just let your heart out

Summer: Easier said than done

Jungsu: You just need to build up the courage

Jungsu: You'll be okay, I believe in you Su.

Summer: Thank you, wish me luck

Jungsu: Good luck hun


"What's taking her so long?" Hyunjin asked. They were all sitting on the couch minus Jisung and Changbin who were in the kitchen.

"Should I go check?" Jeongin asked.

"We're out of chips too? Goddamn someone needs to go to the store." Jisung complained.

"How about you go to the store then." Chan called.

"Ugh fine." Jisung said as he sluggishly put on his shoes.

"I'll go with you Jisung. I want some food too." Minho said as he joined him with putting on his shoes.

"I'll text you everything we need." Chan smiled, "Thanks guys!"

"Should I go check on Haeun?" Jeongin asked them again.

"Yea. Go see if she's okay." Changbin spoke up. Jeongin nodded and walked over to the room. He knocked on the door.

"Come in." She spoke. Her hair was now in a towel to help dry it.

"Everything okay? You aren't out there with us." He walked into the room.

"Yea i'm okay. I'm just, nervous I guess." She smiled.

"Nervous? Why?" Jeongin sat down beside her.

"I'm going to confess to Jisung." She admitted.

"You are?! This is great news!" Jeongin hugged her, "When are you going to talk to him?"

"I was thinking like, soon, tonight maybe." She said.

"He's at the store with Minho right now, I can tell him to come find you when he gets back, if you'd like." He winked at her.

"That would be nice. I think i'll just go on the rooftop balcony until he gets here." She spoke.

"Summer it's pouring." He laughed.

"I'll wait a little bit then. Have them text you when they're on their way back and then i'll head up." She said. She pulled out the picture of her and Jacob she had been gifted and taped it to the wall next to her bed.

"You look the same." He commented.

"You think I look 7?" She seemed confused.

"Well no, you just look the same, but more grown up. You still have the same nose and eyes." He said, "Cat eyes." Right then, Alley came out from under her bed.

"Oh hey pretty girl. That's where you went." Summer ducked down to pick her up and set her on the bed.

"Alley!" Jeongin said as the cat walked over to him, "I missed you girl." He said as he pet her. She purred in his lap, "Now I can't move." He laughed.

"Alleys got you trapped."


She headed up to the rooftop shortly before Jisung and Minho got back. The rain was lighter now, just a bit heavier than a drizzle. She was wearing the matching sweatpants and sweatshirt set that Changbin and Chan had gotten her last Christmas. Maybe she should have dressed up a bit more. But it was too late now, by the time she'd go downstairs Jisung would be back. She put her hood up and looked out over the side of the rooftop. She watched the people walking down the street, trying to get out of the rain. She watched the cars drive past. She found it calming up here, everything escaped her mind.


Everything came back to her mind.


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