62 / Fan Meet

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Today was their Fan Meet. Stray Kids would get to sit on a stage and talk with some of their fans. First was going to be a fan sign where everyone would get to talk to each member individually and then there would be another portion where fans could ask questions in front of everyone else. This fan meet happened to fall on September 3rd, Summer's 22nd birthday. They all sat down in their spots, Felix being the first chair and then Changbin, Jeongin, Chan, Hyunjin, Seungmin, Summer, Han and Lee Know.

"Oh i'm so nervous." Summer said as she sat down in her spot.

"You'll be fine Summer don't worry." Seungmin smiled at her. Fans started to feed in, they had 2 minutes with each idol so she had approximately 12 minutes before the first fan came to meet her. She sat and played with her hair, something she'd do a lot when she's nervous.

"What's wrong hun?" Jisung asked her as she tapped her foot on the ground.

"This is a lot scarier than I imagined." She smiled.

"People love you Summer. There's no need to worry." He smiled. She talked with Jisung Seungmin and Minho a bit before the first fan got closer to them. Finally she was at Summer.

"Hi sweetie what's your name?" She smiled as the girl handed her her album.

"Misun." She smiled.

"It's so great to meet you Misun." She smiled as she signed the album, "How old are you?"

"I'm 17." She seemed nervous.

"Sweetie it's okay to be nervous. I'll let you in on a little secret, i'm actually so nervous right now too. You're not alone." She took the girls hand.

"I'm nervous because you're my bias." She smiled, "I really look up to you, you're creating history in this industry by joining Stray Kids. I really look up to you." The girl smiled.

"Oh you're going to make me cry." Summer laughed as she started tearing up, "I promise I will keep creating history for you." She smiled as the security guard yelled.


"Hi! What's your- Oh my god! Mari?!" Summer remembered her face, she was the girl from the boba shop, almost a year ago now.

"You remember me?" She looked incredibly happy.

"Of course I do." Summer quickly signed the book, "How have you been?" She smiled.

"I'm doing really good."

"Do you still work at that boba shop?"

"Yes." She smiled.

"You know what I've been craving the milk tea I had last time, what days do you work?" She asked.

"Oh uhm, Mondays Thursdays Fridays and Sundays."

"Perfect!" She smiled, "I'll sneak out to get a drink and come say hi." The guard yelled again, "It was nice to see you again! Oh my goodness Haechan? You're here too?" Summer smiled.

"Hi Summer." He laughed, "I'm really surprised you remember us."

"I'm great with faces." She smiled, "Do you and Mari work the same days?"

"Yes except I work on Wednesdays too." He replied.

"I'm going to go get a drink there to say hi to you both." Summer smiled at him, "Thank you so much for coming!"

"Thank you for being here." He replied as he moved to the next person. She had a fantastic time talking to fans, they made her smile and laugh and she realized how lucky she is to have all these people who love her so much. She was gifted a small painting of her cat a fan had made. It was flawless, the painting was like Hyunjin level it was gorgeous. She was also gifted a small lion stuffed animal which she absolutely adored. A fan had shown her a tattoo she had gotten of the sun in the sky for her and Seungmin being her biases. The sun was for Summer and the Sky was for Seungmin since that's Seungmins English  name.

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