114 / Performance (Melbourne)

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"You know I always find it weird when I go somewhere and I'm the one with an accent." She laughed as she introduced herself, "Wait let me try an Australian accent." She turned to Felix and told him to say 'Hello Stay how are you'. So she could hear his voice, she nodded after he spoke, "Okay okay okay." She cleared her throat, "Hellaur Stay! How awe yoo?" She spoke in a terrible Australian accent. She started absolutely losing it after that, so did all the boys, "Okay I know i'm taking forever lemme speed this up, but like am I the only one who thinks literally everyone can do an American accent but Americans can't do any accent like ever?" She spoke and she heard a lot of 'yes's, "Okay i'm not crazy." She laughed, "Okay Hi i'm accent girl Summer!" She waved to the crowd before it was I.N's turn.

"That was a terrible accent." Jisung nudged her.

"Okay mister British boy." She laughed. They stood and listened to the rest of their groups introductions.


After performing side effects the group ran down stairs for their quick change before Thunderous, "I love this part of the show." Seungmin smiled as they threw on their jackets.

"Me too, Thunderous, Domino and God's Menu are like my favorite ones to preform." She agreed, "Especially Domino."

"What do you and Felix have planned for us tonight?" Jisung asked them. The two looked at eachother.

"It's nothing too special." Felix lowered his voice for the second part, "For me at least." Summer started laughing at this since she was the only one who heard it.

"What are you two hiding?" Changbin looked at them with a suspecting expression.

"Don't look back at us. That's all imma say." She said as they walked back up to the stage.

"I'm gonna look." Minho laughed.

"Oh lord."

Domino finally came up. The song with her favorite choreography. She loved how each chorus had its own Domino effect. Finally they were getting to her and Felix's duet. She was nervous to be honest but Felix was right it was nothing too special. When the group all went down for their part she was standing in front of Felix.

one by one

For the next part Summer slowly and sexily dropped down. With the microphone in her right hand and her left tracing down her leg as she went down. Felix stood behind her still, pointing his finger down over top of her.

go down down down down

Summer came up and body rolled to her left as Felix body rolled to his right.

One by one

For the end of their duet the two looked at eachother, still to their sides and did the finger signal to 'come here'.

They follow

The whole group was trying not to look at them but most of them took at least one glance. Of course Jisung turned to look at her right as she was dropping down. He immediately turned back, hoping no one noticed. The others all took glances and had surprised expressions on their faces afterwards.


"Hello Stay!" Summer spoke all alone on stage, "How are you all tonight?" Cheers were heard around, "So tonight's solo for me is going to go a little different." She started, "Because I couldn't choose what to sing. So, you all are going to choose for me." She smiled, "I was thinking back in January that I haven't covered a (G)I-DLE song at a concert. And we all know i'm a huge fan of them." Cheers were heard again, "Wow you guys are too. Neverland!" She shouted and laughed, "Anywho, I have three options for you all and then we're going to vote based on how loud you guys scream."

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