61 / Sick

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"Morning." Summer walked out of her room.

"It's 2pm." Chan laughed from on the couch.

"Afternoon." She replied.

"Are you okay Summer?" He looked concerned.

"No." She replied as she coughed, "I'm making myself some hot tea." She said as she started boiling some water.

"Are you sick?" He asked as he got up.

"Probably." She replied, "Where is everyone?"

"They went to grab food- Oh my god Summer you're burning up." He said as he put his hand on her forehead, "Go lay down i'll get you some medicine and finish your tea."

"No Chan I'm fine I can-"

"No." He said harshly, "Remember what happened last time when you didn't take care of yourself? This. You're sick because you didn't take good care of yourself Summer. Now go lay down." He demanded.

"Okay i'm going on the couch." She said as she sluggishly walked to the couch and plopped down. Chan brought her medicine and finished up making her tea.

"It's raspberry and honey that's what you like right?" He asked. She nodded as she took the cup. She sat and watched whatever Chan had playing on the tv as she drank her tea. She fell asleep with Alley right next to her soon after she finished it. Chan placed a blanket over her.

"We're back." Hyunjin said stepping into the house, "We brought back- oh" He noticed the girl sleeping, "Guys be quiet." He turned around to the others.

"What did you guys bring?" Chan asked them.

"We brought you two some salads. Is she okay?" Minho asked.

"She's sick." Chan replied, "The poor girl is burning. I took her temperature earlier, 39°C.(around 102-103 in F)

"Oh my goodness." Jisung ran over to her, "Poor girl." He touched her head as she slept peacefully.

"Should we bring her back to her bed?" Changbin asked.

"No let's let her sleep out here for a bit. Maybe a change of place will help her feel better. Did she take some medicine?" Jeongin said.

"Yes I gave her some." Chan replied.

"Okay good. We can stay out here just be quieter." Jeongin smiled. Jisung sat next to where Summers head was. He rubbed her head and played with her hair as she slept. Minho sat next to him.

"Can I change the channel?" He asked Chan.

"Oh yea sure." He said as he cleaned dishes in the kitchen. Everyone decided to stay out there with her, maybe just to make sure she was okay. Alley soon got up to go wander around the house for a bit. After this Summer changed her position, all eyes went to her to see if she was awake. But she just flipped over onto her side and threw one of her arms on Jisung's leg.


When she did finally wake up her eyes fluttered open. She looked around for a second, extremely confused. How'd she end up on the couch? "Summer?" She heard Jisung's voice.

"Huh?" She responded, still confused. She rubbed her eyes and slowly sat up. She looked like an absolute mess, her hair was everywhere, her eyes were barely even open, yet somehow she still looked so gorgeous.

"Good morning sweetie." Minho smiled at her.

"I feel like shit." She said. Chan put a hand on her forehead.

"You've still got a fever hun. I can give you some more medicine." He said.

"Please. God I haven't been sick like this in years." She laughed a little.

"Summer your voice." Felix pointed out.

"I'm losing it. I sound so raspy and gross." She said.

"I like it." Hyunjin said quietly.

"Oh does Hyunjin have a thing for raspy voices?" She joked with him.

"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't." He stuck his nose up.

"Mhm." Chan handed her the medicine, "I'm going to shower." She got up and slowly walked to the bathroom. Everyone turned to Hyunjin as soon as she was out of the room.

"What raspy voices are hot." He said.

"He's got a point there." Changbin said.

"You guys are crazy." Seungmin laughed.

"Oh come on you don't think it's hot?" Hyunjin asked.

"Hey I never said that." Seungmin defended himself.

"So we can all agree raspy voices are hot." Jisung said. They all nodded, some did faster than others.

Eunnie: I can hear you guys.

Hannie: Oh

Eunnie: It's okay I know I sound hot ;)

Minnie: Shut up little miss 39 degree fever.

Eunnie: Why would you guys want me to shut up if you like my voice?

Hyunjinnie: I'm removing you from this group chat.

Eunnie: Bye bye <3

Channie: Why are you texting in the shower?

Eunnie: You guys don't?

Channie: No...

Bokkie: I do

Eunnie: I guess it's a foreign born thing

Bokkie: We're just better

Eunnie: Duh


"What are you making?" Felix walked into the kitchen, Summer had her hair up in a towel.

"Soup for my throat." She responded.

"Do you want me to make it for you?" He asked.

"No I can make it for her!" Changbin came running over.

"No guys it's okay I can." Jisung quickly followed.

"Guys it's okay I can make my own soup." She laughed a little, "Just because I'm sick doesn't mean I can't do anything."

"But you need to be resting." Changbin said.

"I've been resting all day, I'll be fine Binnie." She smiled as she stirred the soup, "Thank you though boys. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome." Felix smiled.

"If there's anything we can do please tell us." Changbin said.

"You need to feel better Noona." Jisung said.

"Woah Noona?" She looked impressed.

"You need to feel better Noona." He repeated, smiling. She smiled and looked back at her soup which was done. She quickly poured it into a bowl and sat down at the dining table.

"I'm going to go sleep." She said after she finished her food.

"I'll come with you." Minho said, "To make sure you have everything." The two walked back into her room, "Do you want me to grab you some water for you to have just incase?" He asked her.

"That would be nice." She said as she sat down on her bed, "Thank you Minho." She smiled at him.

"Of course sweetie." He smiled as he walked out of the room. She had pink on her cheeks from his comment, "Here's your water." He set it down on her nightstand as she laid down.

"Thank you." She smiled. He put a hand on her cheek, which surprised her.

"Get better soon sweetie." He kissed the top of her head, "Sleep well Haeun."

"Goodnight Minho." She blushed.

A/N: I am also a sucker for a nice raspy voice sometimes

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