95 / SKZ REPLAY (Part: 2)

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-Zone (Bang Chan, Changbin, HAN)
She knew this one would be good. She knew this would be a nice rap heavy song, which was always her favorite type. She once again was in the back absolutely jamming at Jisung's rapping in the beginning. She got so into the song she stood up on the back of the couch and started dancing. Jisung turned around for her approval on his part but when he saw her literally busting moves while standing on the couch, he was pretty sure she liked it.

personA: What is she doing oh my god Jungsu come get your girl

-Close (HAN)
One of the songs he wrote about her. For this one she immediately sat back in her spot to have her full attention on the song. This one was a sweet song, it was about getting to know her, and meeting her. How his heart would flutter whenever he saw her. She listened to the lyrics intently, enjoying the song so much. She remembered how nervous he would get around her back in training even though he always made her laugh, she could tell sometimes he'd be nervous when he saw her, had he had this song in the back of his mind since then? She had blush on her face and a small happy smile to match.

personA: Han looks so embarrassed with this song it's so cute

-Streetlight (Changbin)
It wasn't a hard rap like Doodle was, this one was definitely more, emotional and smooth in a way. She didn't know how to describe it. She enjoyed the song, Changbin worked really well with the concept of it. She was surprised when she heard Bang Chan's voice appear in the song, "Wait Chan are you in this?" She spoke.

"I am." He smiled back at her, "It's not like a duo song it's more of featuring, so we made it just Changbin." He smiled.


-i hate to admit (Bang Chan)
This song was yet another slower one on the album, although slower songs weren't her favorite, she was very much enjoying all these songs, maybe it was because they were sung by her favorite people ever, but she just absolutely loved them all. When they got to the bridge and the layered vocals of Chan came on Summer almost fainted, it sounded like she was ascending into heaven.

personA: Bang Chan one chance please i'm begging.

-Queen of Clubs (Summer)
Wow huge turn of events. It went from Chan's slow sad song to Summer's up beat party song about how cool she is. Again this song was in English to help her rap faster. Since English was is her first language, she didn't have to think about the words as much which let her rap a lot faster than in Korean. She immediately saw Felix's jaw drop when she started rapping. Then it got to the chorus

I'm the Queen of Clubs baby

It was only her voice in that part of the song, as all the music cut out for that second. Her voice was sexy and deep. There was a lot of upbeat music

Better bow down to me

She spoke during the music, once again with a sexy voice. She looked around and noticed every single one of them, even the three who had heard it before had their jaws on the ground, "Damn y'all must really like it." She laughed as they all snapped out of it.

personA: I need a music video for this song oh my god she would be so hot.

As soon as she heard the beat she knew this was going to be another hype song like hers. Oh she was absolutely jamming. She looked down at her phone to see all the comments on the live.

personA: Han Jisung.

personB: My husband oh my god

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