34 / Spy

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"Where are you goi-" Hyunjin asked as he noticed Summer walking to the front door with her purse, "Oh my god, you're going on that date." He gasped.

"It's not like he's my boyfriend Hyunjin, he's a friend of mine, it's a friend date." She laughed, "I'll be back later." She walked out the door.

"Code Red!" He yelled through the house and all 7 boys ran into the living room.

"Code Red? What wrong?" Minho almost fell he was running so fast.

"Hyunjin! What's going on?" Seungmin put his hands on Hyunjins shoulders.

"She's going on a date. With Yeonjun." Gasps we're everywhere, "We have to go investigate. Who's coming with me? I say only three max."

"I want to go." Jisung raised his hand.

"This sounds like fun." Minho also ross his hand.

"Perfect. Felix I'll have you on call the whole time. We'll talk to you through mini microphones. Everyone stay out here in the living room to listen." Hyunjin ordered.

"Perfect. Where's their date?" Jeongin asked.

"Good question." Hyunjin said, "I don't know."

"Someone look at where her phone is." Minho said.

"She's at the cafe two blocks from here." Chan said.



"Felix this is Hyunjin do you hear me?"

"Loud and clear."

"This is Han do you hear me?"

"Loud and clear."

"Lee know."

"Loud and clear."

"Perfect. Operation Spy on Summer is a go." The three walked through the shop, they all had glasses and hoods on so she couldn't tell they were there.

"We have to get close enough to her so we can hear and so can everyone else." Jisung said.

"Let's just sit at the table by then. We have to be very quiet." They all got up and moved.

"You look really nice today." Yeonjun said to her.

"You don't look to bad yourself." She laughed. The three all made disgusted faces at eachother.

"Tell me about you and training and everything." He said.

"Well I was born in San Francisco California. I absolutely loved it there, My parents became foster parents for a bit so i've had multiple siblings." She smiled, "My favorite was when I was 7, we housed a boy who was 15 and he was the absolute sweetest person ever. His name was Jacob."

"You keep saying was, what happened to him?" He asked.

"A drunk driver hit him and he died in the hospital. My parents were going to adopt him too. It was devastating for me." She looked down.

"I'm sorry Summer."

"It's okay, It happened like 14 years ago now. I still have the necklace he gave me for my birthday when I was 7, It reminds me that he's always looking out for me. I also got this tattoo it's a dove holding a message saying 'live your life to the fullest for me.' it's one of the last things he said to me. Anywho, enough with the sad stuff. When I was 12 my dad got a job offer here in South Korea. I didn't know any Korean at all." She laughed, "It was really hard for the first year, but then I caught on. I started training at JYP when I was 15, that's when I was dating that guy I told you about. He told me I would never debut so I broke up with him. I met Chan and everyone else in Stray Kids." She leaned over to him, "Never speak about this to any of the boys, but when we were all training together I had the biggest crush on Lee Know." All the boys jaws dropped. They could all hear her talking and were absolutely amazed, "He joined in 2017, before I turned 17. I had a huge crush on him since I saw him. Once they got closer to debuting I spent less time around them and more time with ITZY so I lost interest and became really close with Ryujin." Minho was still trying to process this. She liked him? They could have maybe been together? Why was he sad he didn't ask her out then? Did he want something with her? Too many thoughts were running around his head, "The ITZY girls are the only ones who knew about that crush. So you better keep your lips sealed." She laughed. Yeonjun pretended to zip up his lips and toss away the key.

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