54 / Performance (Tokyo)

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"Hello Tokyo!" Chan started the introductions, "1 2."

"Step out! Hello we are Stray Kids!" They all said in unison.

"Hi everyone it's Lee Know!"

"Your boy Han right here!"

"What's up Tokyo? I'm Stray Kids' Summer!"

"Good evening everyone it's I.N!"

"How are you all tonight? This is Felix!"

"It's your boy Bang Chan!"

"Hi hi! It's Hyunjin here!"

"Hi everybody I'm Changbin!" Seungmin laughed

"You're not Changbin." Chan said

"Uh Yes I am."

"Seungmin right here." Changbin said. He and Seungmin had planned this the day before.

"You guys are so weird." Hyunjin laughed.

They preformed a few more songs, Thunderous, Gods Menu, Domino, Cheese, and their upcoming release, Circus. (For songs like Gods Menu they moved around everyone so she could dance with them, but she doesn't have any lines besides maybe adlibs) Suddenly all the boys ran off the stage, leaving Summer alone.

"Hey hey hey Japan!" Cheers were heard around, "Wow there is a lot of you all. It's so crazy to be here." She laughed a little, "The boys are getting ready to preform some songs for you all. I unfortunately am not in either of these." Sad sounds were heard across the venue, "I know so sad. But this means I get to spend more time with you all!" She smiled, "We're going to have Bang Chan, Lee Know, Seungmin and I.N come out and preform Waiting For Us. And then Changbin, Hyunjin, Han and Felix will come out to preform Muddy Water. Afterwards, we're all going to vote on which we liked more." She smiled, "But for now, to give them some more time to prepare. I thought I'd sing you all a song." She smiled as she heard cheers all around, "When we were flying here, I'm sure as most of you know Lee Know and Han have a fear of heights. I was helping calm them down and Lee Know asked me what song I used to audition for JYP. So tonight, I thought i'd sing it for you all." She smiled as she heard more cheers everywhere, "This is Flawless, by The Neighbourhood." More cheers were heard as the song started.

She planned ahead for a year
He said "let's play it by ear"
She didn't want him to run
He didn't want her to fear
Nobody said it'd be easy
They knew it was rough, but tough luck

"No wonder JYP let her in. This song is perfect for her." Changbin said backstage. They had screens to watch her performance on.

"She looks so good." Han spoke under his breath.

"She does." Felix said, next to him. Han didn't realize someone actually heard him.

"You heard that?" He blushed a little.

"No I'm a telepath. Yes I heard you Jisung." He laughed.

When I add it all up, I can't find it
The problem with love, is i'm blinded by it
It rattles my lungs, but my mind is
Tangled between your little flaws
Your flaws, Your flaws, Your flaws.
You're a doll, You are flawless
But I just can't wait for love to destroy us

"Seungmin hurry we have to preform in a few minutes." Chan called him. This snapped not only Han but almost everyone else out of their trance.

"Okay okay." Seungmin ran out putting on his jacket right as she finished singing. Applause was heard everywhere.

"You guys are too sweet." She smiled, "I have a few more minutes to talk to you all alone. If you brought a sign hold it up. I want to see these." She ran down to the second stage.

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