82 / Clown

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She got home that night around 12 in the morning. It was just her and Chan as everyone else went back a few hours earlier. As Chan grabbed stuff out of the car she walked up to the door and noticed a paper, taped to the door.

I just want to talk to you
- 🤡

"Bang Chan." She said.

"Everything okay?" She turned around to look at him.

"No." She held up the paper as he got closer.

"I'm calling the police." Chan said as he pulled out his phone.

"Chan what the hell do we do they know where we live." She was starting to freak out even more.

"It's okay we'll figure out something." He put a hand on her shoulder.

"What if the boys are hurt?" She opened the door and ran in before Chan could even say anything. "Hello?" She ran around the house. She first ran into Chan and Changbins room. She ripped the covers off Changbin.

"What the hell?"

"Oh thank god." She kissed his head and then ran out. She did the same thing in each room before going back out into the living room, "Wait. Where's my cat?" She looked everywhere, woke up every single boy in that house at least 3 more times, but Alley was no where.

"Summer she probably ran off." Chan said.

"No she wouldn't do that." Summer sat on the couch. She was literally shaking. Absolutely terrified.

Unknown Number:
Do you miss your cat?

"What the fuck!" She started hysterically sobbing.

"What?" Chan was incredibly concerned. She just gave her phone to him and buried her face, "Did you not block it?"

"I did." She cried.

"What's going on?" Hyunjin walked out yawning, "Summer?" He immediately woke up and ran to her.

"This is bad Hyunjin. Can you get everyone out here." Now it wasn't only Summer shaking, Chan was too, his voice gave it away. Hyunjin nodded and woke everyone up and made them go into the living room. Summer still sat there with her face in her hands crying.

"Oh my god!" Jisung immediately ran over to Summer as soon as he saw her.

Unknown Number:
She's still alive don't worry. But I need something in return to get her back

She didn't even react to the buzz of her phone. The boys all exchanged glances at one another as Chan picked up her phone to read the message, "The cops are on the way everything will be fine." Chan said. Trying to calm everyone (including himself) down.

"What does it say?" She said softly.

"Alley is okay." Chan replied.

"That's all?"

"There's more. But it's not important right now."

Unknown Number:
It's important.

His eyes went wide. This person was somewhere, listening to them, "Chan?" Felix looked worried.

"I uh-" He couldn't talk. He was so shocked.

"Chan what-" Changbin looked at the phone and he had the exact same reaction.

knock knock knock

"Police." Was yelled on the other side of the door. Chan got up to go answer the door, thankfully it was the real police. Summer sat there still crying while Chan explained everything, including how whoever this was could hear them, "Thank you. Do you mind if we do an investigation in here?" The cop asked.

"No that's perfectly fine." Chan agreed.

Unknown Number:
I need you to come talk to me alone.

Once again Chan picked up the phone and looked at the message first, "I'm giving this to the police."

"What does it say?" She sobbed.

"They want you to meet them alone. That's not fucking happening." Chan spoke as he walked to a police officer with her phone.


"We found a hearing device. It was planted around the corner, it blended in to the wall." He showed them the small white device.
"Also another text came in." The police spoke. They had been there for a while now, it was around 2 in the morning.

Unknown Number:
Stop letting other people read this. This is just for you and me ;)

"I hate to say this. But I think to catch this guy we need her to go meet him." The officer spoke.

"By herself? Absolutely not." Changbin spoke.

"I'll do it." She said, she wasn't crying by now. She had finally calmed down, "I'll bring a pocket knife, and pepper spray just in case he gets too close." She said, "It'll give me time to run. You guys will be nearby. Correct?"

"Yes." The officer nodded.

"Then i'll be fine."

"No. You aren't doing this." Hyunjin stopped her, "None of us want you to."

"If you're all so scared, a few of you could probably go with the cops." She said.

"That would be fine." The officer nodded.

"I'm going." They all said at once.

"We can only take a few."

"I'm going." Chan said strongly.

"I'm going too." Changbin said.

"I'm coming." Seungmin stood up too.

"Can you guys call us? And like tell us what's going on?" Felix asked.

"Yes." Chan spoke. The officer handed Summer her phone.

"Text them back."

Where are we meeting?

A response came immediately.

Unknown Number:
Here: (Location)
Meet me at 3 am.

"Let's go." The cop spoke. Summer grabbed her pocket knife and pepper spray.

"Summer." Jisung said before she went out the door. She turned around and he immediately crashed into her, "Please be safe." He was on the verge of tears, "Nothing can happen to you."

"Nothing will Ji." She hugged him back. Jeongin, Minho, Felix and Hyunjin all hugged her too.

"Stay safe sweetie." Hyunjin rubbed her head.

"I'll be okay." She nodded.

"Don't let him get to close to you okay?" Minho said.

"I won't."

"Make sure you have your knife and spray ready." Felix added.

"I'll be okay guys." She told them, "I'm scared shitless but I know i'll be fine. I'll be okay. I promise. I won't let anything happen to myself. For you guys." The cop called her and she ran out, "I love you all to death. Don't forget that." As soon as the door closed tears fell from all ten eyes. Seungmin rubbed her back as she walked out.

"I love you Summer." He whispered to her.

"I love you too Minnie." She smiled. He could tell she was still shaking, even more now actually. He knew she was terrified. But she had to do this to end the threat. The ride was silent until they got to the location. Where the cop walked her through what would happen. She understood and got out of the car. It was parked far away from the actual meeting location, which was an old, abandoned church. The car was parked far down the street, behind a ton of trees so it was almost invisible. She started walking towards the building, slowly opening the door and stepping in when she got there. She had a listening device on her so the police could hear everything.

"Hello Summer." She whipped her head to the left. There stood a clown. The clown. He had his axe in his hand. Fear took over her whole body. What if she wasn't going to be okay?

A/N: Another chapter today because I love you guys :)

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