101 / Radio

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It was a few days after the release of her music video, and a very well known radio station in South Korea was dying to interview her. So of course she agreed to it. "Bye bye!" She called to the boys.

"Bye bye!"

"Good luck Noona!"

"We'll be listening to it live!"

"Oh no please don't listen to it live." She laughed as she walked out.

"Haeun." Jisung ran up to her before she walked out, "Bye." he smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

"Bye bye Ji." She smiled, "And don't listen to it."

"We won't I promise." He smiled as she walked out.

"Does that mean we aren't actually going to listen to it?" Hyunjin seemed disappointed.

"No we're listening to it." Jisung said, "I just don't want her to worry." He sat down on the couch.

"What are they talking to her about?" Felix asked.

"Probably her music video and Jungsu." Changbin spoke.


"I'm now here with Stray Kids Summer." Juwon, the interviewer spoke.

"Hello!" She said.

"Your voice sound so different from when you sing." He commented.

"I think my voice is just naturally higher when I speak Korean." She laughed, "I actually have quite a low voice when I speak in English."

"Say something in English for us." He said.

"Hello! My name is Summer, uh Im 22 years old. Is there anything else you'd like me to say?" She laughed.

"Your voice is a lot deeper, and it definitely shows in a lot of your singing." He said.

"That's actually like the big reason I joined Stray Kids. Chan apparently thought It would be cool to have a girl who's voice fits in with their and that's how I got picked. I guess it also helped that I was really close with them during training." She smiled.

"How'd you meet all of them?" He asked.

"Through Chan, he was my first friend when I was training. When I moved here I became super introverted because I was still learning how to speak the language, so I felt very behind and left out and just wouldn't talk really. But on my very first day of training, as I stood there super intimidated, Chan just kinda walked up to me and started talking to me. I was so shocked, but after a bit of talking I felt more comfortable around him, plus he could talk to me in English so I could communicate with him better." She laughed a little, "But I met everyone else through him."

Chan smiled as he listened to her speak. He was so happy he was the one to help her and make her feel comfortable.

"That's really sweet of him." Juwon smiled, "Now to what this is about. Your songs on SKZ REPLAY." He said, "Let's hear about Precious."

"I think i've spoken openly on this before but i'm not sure. When I was seven my parents fostered a boy named Jacob, he was 15 then. I was so close to him and my parents were going to really adopt him, but sadly he passed away due to a drunk driver. The song is about him and how precious life is, how it can be gone in an instant. It means a lot to me, I wrote it with the help of the lovely 3RACHA." She smiled.

"I'm so sorry to hear that." He looked sad, "I'm sorry for your loss."

"It's okay, I know he's watching over me. He's the one that keeps me going in my hardest times." She smiled.

"Now tell us about Queen of Clubs and your music video for it."

"Oh lord. So basically I went to 3RACHA and was like I want a song about how cool and party girl I am. Because I don't know if a lot of people know this, but I am a huge partier, so I thought a song like that could really show the me that no one really sees. It's a like sexy club song which as a lot of people do know, I'm always so embarrassed to preform sexy song, but hey I really enjoy this song so maybe when I do preform it one day it'll be okay." She laughed.

"I think it's a great song. It's a total party jam." He smiled, "And lastly, Sweetheart Rain."

"I asked Chan who had the least amount of songs on the album and he said me, Lee Know and I.N so I made a song for the three of us. Again I didn't write all of it, but I thought since the three of us have beautiful singing voices, that i'd make the song a lighter prettier love song. I think he'll kill me for saying this, but Jisung said he cried when he heard it." She laughed a little.

"Did he really?"

"Apparently so."

"Oh speaking of crying, when you heard Deep End by Felix, you were crying. Why was that?" He looked interested in her answer.

"His voice. God it was just so gorgeous. I will always love it when he sings sweet, soft sings. Even though his voice is so deep it's so soothing, similar to when I heard Lovesick Boys by Conan Gray for the first time, it's just the gorgeous vocals that bring tears to my eyes. So Felix if you're listening to this, which i'm sure you guys are even though I said not to. I love your gorgeous vocals!" She smiled.

"Shit she caught us!" Changbin laughed.

"How does she always know?" Seungmin put his head in his hands.

"She knows us too well that's how." Jeongin patted Seungmin's back.

"How are you and Jungsu doing?" Juwon asked her.

"Great! I believe we've been publicly dating for three months now." She replied.

"How long were you two dating before?"

"That is for me and him to know." She laughed a little.

"Now fans have been going crazy over the scene of you and Han in your music video, how does Jungsu feel about this?" He asked.

"He's not mad or jealous or anything if that's what you're asking, Jungsu isn't the jealous type, he's very sweet and understanding." She answered, "Plus it's not like I kissed Jisung."

"Have you kissed any of your members?" He smiled a little.

"On the lips? No. But I give them friendly Cheek or forehead kisses sometimes. I think it's something a lot of people do with their close friends." She shrugged. Of course this was a flat out lie, they all knew it was.

"Final question: Do you have a role model in the Kpop industry?" Juwon asked her.

"Chan. He's probably one of the best people I have ever met in my life, I could only imagine being as good of a leader as he is. I love you Channie!" Chan was on the verge of tears, she was someone he admired quite a lot, and the fact that it was reciprocated made him feel so special.


"You made him cry." Was the first thing she heard when she walked in the door.

"What what's going on?" She ran into the living room.

"You made Chan cry." Hyunjin laughed a little.

"What? How? What did I do?" She was a little confused on why he was crying.

"He's crying because you said he's your role model." Jeongin clarified.

"Awe Channie." She gave him a hug and rubbed his back, "You're an amazing person an leader how could I not look up to you." She said into his ear.

"That means a lot coming from you." He smiled.

"Your words affect people more than you know, Haeun." Jisung put a hand on her back.

A/N: I look up to Bang Chan. Also I just remembered that they were on Weekly Idol around this time in the story I think (i could be wrong) but i'm sorry for not adding that in!

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