late nights

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another request by Christinabeger! 🤍


Scott opens his eyes suddenly, and looks over at the clock on his bedside table.


Oh. It was a dream.

Wait...I never actually finished that song.

I love it when my dreams do this FOR me.

He decides he needs to notate the rest of his song, the way it was written in his dream.

He tries to sit up, when he feels a pair of arms tighten around him.

"Nooo," Mark whines. "Stay."

Scott chuckles softly. "I need to finish my song." He says. "I need to finish it before I forget how it goes."

"Mm-mm." Mark shakes his head, still half asleep, buried in a pillow.

"I'll be back soon, sweetheart," Scott says, and manages to slip away. "I love you, go back to sleep." He kisses Mark's forehead.

"Luh' yoo," Mark slurs in his sleepy haze.

"So cute," Scott mumbles, before heading downstairs to the piano.

Mark decides he can't fall back asleep after 10 minutes.

He walks downstairs, (blanket around him), and watches as Scott plays, and writes notes and lyrics down.

"Sweetheart?" Suddenly Scott is standing right in front of Mark, and Mark feels like he's waking up again.

Oh. Maybe Mark did fall back asleep.

Mark blinks his eyes back open. "Hi, baby," he mumbles.

"You fell asleep standing up," Scott pouts.

"Missed you." Mark says.

"Come on, angel. Let's go back to bed."


"I don't appreciate you getting inspiration at 2am, you know." Mark says the next afternoon, a cute pout on his lips.

Scott leans over the kitchen island, kissing Mark's pouting lips. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I literally dreamt up a song! That's pretty cool when you think about it."

"In any other circumstance, yes." Mark says. "I'm just kidding. It's still really cool, baby."

Scott slides Mark his plate of lunch across the island, kissing Mark's forehead. "It was about you, if that helps."

"Oh, well that always helps." Mark teases.

"You're just with me because I write songs for you, I knew it." Scott fake pouts.

Mark giggles cutely, and Scott smiles.

"I love you," Scott says. "Sorry, I just really needed to tell you."

Mark looks at Scott with fond eyes. "Everything okay, baby?"

"Yeah. Everything's perfect," Scott slides his own plate across the kitchen island, walking around so he can sit next to Mark. "I just, I'm living my very best, most creative life, and that's because of you."

Mark grabs Scott's hand once he's seated on the stool next to his. "I love you too, Scotty."


A week later, it happens again.

Mark whines, pulling Scott closer, and Scott pouts at the half-asleep boy.

"I'm really sorry, angel," Scott says. "I'll be quick, I promise."

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