murder mystery

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"Is he here?" Mark asks, out of breath.

Kirstin lets out a deep breath, shakily. "Mark..." She says, her voice broken.

"Is he breathing?" Mark asks, as he runs through her house.

"Mark," Kirstin says again, holding back more tears.

"Where is he?" Mark asks, fearful.

"Marky," Kirstin says. "There's something you need to know."

Mark looks in the backyard, and sees his husband laying down.

"Scotty," he gasps, running to his husband. "Baby, you're gonna be okay," he sits by him. "I take back everything I said. I'll always support you, 100%. I'll
pay whatever it takes, no matter what the cost. You'll be okay. Good as new."

He runs a hand through Scott's hair, and notes some strange energy. He notices the police officers around, and the lack of the sense of urgency.

"Something's seriously wrong," Mark says, his voice wavering. He looks up at the police officers around him. "Why haven't you taken him to the hospital yet?"

"Mark," Kirstin warns again, but she's caught up in her own tears.

"We have to save him. There are no ambulances?" Mark looks around. "W-we have to save my husband. I'll pay whatever it takes." He moves Scott so that he's laying on his lap, and freezes.

He's not breathing. He feels...sick.

"Time of death, 10:49pm."

"No," Mark says. "Scotty," Tears blur his vision, as he looks down at his husband. "Scotty, no."

"Mark, I'm so sorry," a new voice says, someone kneeling down next to him. It's Mitch. "I have no idea what happened," he places a hand on Mark's back.

"I-I don't need your words, or your comfort," Mark flinches at Mitch's touch. "I-I need Scott. Scotty, please."

"Mark, he's..." Kevin trails off, standing above him.

"No." Mark says, his breath quickening. "No. He's not. Scotty, hey. Please..." his voice cracks. He gets another look at his husband, how at peace he is...

"Name of deceased, Scott Hoying."

Mark wails.

"Who did this?" Mark yells. "Who stole the love of my life from me?"

There's nothing but silence around him, the only sound being Mark's shaky breathing.

All that echoes through Mark's head are his last sentences to Scott.

"Marky, please."

"I don't want to hear your voice right now, Scott. It's Kirstin's birthday, and I don't need you ruining it."

"Ruining it? Marky..."

"I need some air. Don't come find me."

Mark sees some of his tears fall into Scott's hair. "It was just a stupid fight, Scotty. Please come back to me."

"Mark, I'm so sorry..."

"What about the rest of our lives together? Our kids, our family, our new house..."

Matt gently grabs Mark's hand. "They need to take his body, Mark."

"Don't you dare take him away from me," Mark snaps, ugly. "I get to talk to him for as long as I fucking want, he's my husband." He yells, tears cascading down his cheeks. "My husband, who-who thinks I'm still upset with h-him."

And then, Mark crumbles. He collapses, sobbing into his husband's chest. He sobs, soaking Scott's shirt with his tears. He holds onto Scott for dear life.

"Sir, please." An EMT says, after some time has passed. "We have to remove the body."

Mark grabs onto Scott tighter, and Ben and Kevin have to forcibly remove him.

"Who did this?" Mark yells. "You're going to fucking pay!"

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