home from tour

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scotty: just landed!!
scotty: only an hour drive home then i get to see you :)
scotty: i'm impatient they won't let us off

marky: when did you land?

scotty: ...like, 2 minutes ago

marky: lol you're so cute
marky: i'll see you soon baby. get here safe:)

scotty: okay
scotty: i love you
scotty: i miss u :(

marky: i miss you too honey
marky: just one more hour
marky: i love you too

Mark puts his phone in his pocket, and up at the plane board.

Flight 2200: Landed

He smiles. As if Scott's confirmation wasn't enough.

It's another 10 minutes before people are walking off the plane.

Businessman, couple, Girls trip group, family, family, couple. businessman, solo girl...

And then Mark sees him.

Scott doesn't see Mark at first. He walks a few feet so he's out of the way, his carry on trailing behind him. He stops, takes a breath, looks at the screens around the airport.

And then his eyes land on Mark.

He gasps. "Marky?"

Mark laughs and nods, opening his arms for Scott.

"Marky, oh my god!" Scott laughs and crushes Mark in a hug.

"Hi, baby," Mark says, squeezing Scott tight. He smells like cologne and peppermint and sunscreen and Scott. He smells like Scott.

"You didn't have to pick me up," Scott says softly.

"And just wait longer after I haven't seen you for 6 weeks?" Mark asks. "No way."

Scott smiles at Mark. "I love you."

"I love you too," Mark grins, and pulls Scott in for a quick kiss. He steals Scott's carry on, and rolls it behind them.

"Oh, that's okay Marky, I can get it," Scott says.

"Hush." Mark says. He grabs Scott's hand with his own free one, and they walk through the airport.

They get Scott's bag from baggage claim, and head to the car.

When they get in the car, Scott gives Mark a look.

"What?" Mark asks, and then Scott is leaning forward, cupping Mark's cheek, and leaning in to kiss Mark.

Mark's giggles break the kiss. "Kiss me like that and we won't be going anywhere anytime soon."

"I'm okay with that," Scott teases.

"Oh, stop it," Mark slaps Scott's arm, and reverses the car out of the spot.

It takes about an hour for them to get home. When they get there, Scott is quick to unpack his carry on, and decides to save his bigger bag for later.

"What do you think you want for dinner?" Mark asks.

"Hmmm. I'm not sure. What were you in the mood for, Marky?" Scott asks, a cute smile on his face.

"No, no," Mark says. "It's your first day back home. Did you want to go out? Did you want to stay in and order food? Or I could cook?"

Scott thinks for a moment. "Can we order in?" He asks. "I kind of just wanna hang out at home tonight, and I don't want for you to have to cook."

Mark smiles at his boyfriend. "Sure, honey."

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