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my vision of what happened the night they had dinner on the beach :)


"For you, my love," Scott smiles, pulling out a chair for Mark.

Mark giggles as he sits down. "Thank you, sweetheart."

Scott sits down as well. "Look at this view," he says.

Mark looks out at the water. It is pretty amazing.

When he looks back at Scott, Scott is staring at him.

"What?" Mark asks, a blush on his cheeks.

Scott smiles. "I can't tell what's more beautiful," he says. "This view," he gestures to the sunset on the beach, "or this view," he gestures to Mark.

"You're such a sap," Mark teases, but he smiles when Scott leans in to kiss him anyway. "Okay. I have something for you," Mark admits, reaching into his bag.

"What?" Scott furrows his brows.

Mark smiles. "Think of it as a wedding gift," he says.

"Oh, baby, I didn't get you anything," Scott frowns.

"It's okay, my love." Mark says. "I got the best wedding gift of all. The best husband in the world."

Scott blushes.

Mark pulls out a small case from his bag, handing it to Scott. "Open it," he smiles.

Scott opens the case, and a golden necklace lies in it. The charm has a 7 on it.

"Marky," Scott says, in awe. "It's beautiful."

Mark smiles. "I saw it and I just had to buy it for you," he says. "A reminder of the best day of our lives."

"Marky, thank you so much. I love it." Scott smiles at the sight of it. "I love you. Put it on me?" He asks.

Mark stands up from his seat, and takes the necklace from Scott, unclamping the chain. He wraps the necklace around Scott's neck, clamping the chain back together. He walks so he can see it on Scott, and smiles.

"I'm the luckiest guy in the world," Scott says, leaning in to kiss Mark.

Mark giggles at that once the kiss breaks. "You can't be, because I am." He sits back down in his chair.

"My love," Scott murmurs, grabbing Marks hand. "You mean the world to me."

Mark giggles at that, and the waiter drops off some drinks and an appetizer.

Scott picks up his glass, and Mark picks up his.

"To us," Mark says.

"To us." Scott says, and they lean in for a kiss before sipping their drinks.

"I love you," Mark says.

Scott blushes. "I love you more, Marky. I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together." He says.

Mark scoots his chair closer to Scott. "I dream of nothing more," he says.

Scott grins widely. "Appetizer?" He offers. "Looks like chips and dip?"

"Mm, yes please," Mark says, and Scott drags the plate closer to them.

Mark dips a chip in the sauce, trying a bite. "Mm, it's a salsa," he says. "A really good salsa," he confirms. "Here," he dips the chip in the salsa, offering a bite to Scott.

Scott takes a bite off of the chip. "Mmm, you're right, sweetheart, that is really good." He says.

Mark finishes the chip, and suddenly, music starts playing.

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