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nothing like a request to get me back into it! thank you!

"Kiss me again?" Scott asks sweetly.

Mark chuckles, scooting closer to his boyfriend on the couch and kissing him again.

Eventually they part, and Mark cups Scott's cheek with his hand.

"What, baby?" Scott asks.

Mark smiles at him. "You're just beautiful," he smiles.

Scott smiles back. "Thank you," he blushes, and then looks down.

"You're so cute," Mark chuckles.

Scott gasps. "Oh my god."

Mark furrows his brows. "What?"

"There's a fucking spider," Scott says, his voice is shaky. "Oh my god."

Mark stands up, grabs a paper towel from Scott's kitchen, and comes back and crushes the spider with it.

Scott gasps.

Mark goes to the bathroom to flush the dead spider, and throws the paper towel in the trash. Then he sits back on the couch, as if it never happened.

"You killed a spider for me." Scott says.

"It's just a spider," Mark says.

Scott gives Mark a look. "That's an eight-legged fiend. And you killed it for me."

Mark shrugs. "I mean, I'm not a fan of them, but, spiders aren't a big deal to me. I just kill them and go about my day."

marky: are you almost ready for bed?

scotty: yeah
scotty: not anymore
scotty: fuck

marky: ???
marky: are you okay?

scotty: i saw a roach
scotty: and i completely froze and could not kill it
scotty: and now i will not be going to bed anytime soon

marky: you didn't kill it??

scotty: bugs really really freak me out
scotty: i think i just panicked

marky: baby :(
marky: do you want me to come over and see if i can kill it for you
marky: no guarantees that i'll find it, but i feel bad just leaving you there

scotty: fuck
scotty: could you? please :(
scotty: i'm really shaken

marky: give me 15 minutes

scotty: see you soon

A little over 10 minutes passes, and Mark is knocking at the door.

Scott answers it, and Mark steps in.

"Hey, are you doing okay?" Mark asks. "Where was it?"

"It was in the kitchen, I think it ran behind the fridge," Scott says in a quiet voice.

"Okay. Do you have Raid?"

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