perfect family

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"Uncle Scott!"

Scott chuckles, squeezing Mark's hand. "Here come the little gremlins." He says. "They're not too bad, I promise."

Mark nods shakily, and smiles when he sees the two blonde boys running to hug their uncle.

"Landon!" Scott giggles as Landon hugs him around his waist. "If you don't stop growing, you'll turn into an actual tree!"

"Unca Scott!" The younger boy tugs on Scott's pant leg.

Scott gets down on his knees so he's on Beckham's level. "Hi, sweetheart," he coos, hugging the toddler. "How's your Christmas?"

"Good!" Beckham smiles.

"Did Santa bring you two everything?" Scott asks.

"Yeah!" Landon says. "Well, except for the Nerf Guns. But Mom says if Santa had to make everything that everyone wanted, then he'd only be able to come once every five years!"

Scott chuckles at Landon. "Well, I might have some good news, then. Can I introduce you to someone first?"

Both boys nod, looking up at Scott expectantly.

Scott stands up, grabbing Mark's hand and walking him over to the boys. They both kneel down so they're at the boys' level again. "This is my boyfriend, Mark," Scott explains. "I love him very much, kind of like how Mommy loves Daddy."

"A boy and a boy?" Landon asks, tilting his head.

Scott nods. "Sometimes a boy loves a boy, or a girl loves a girl. Mark and I are two boys who love each other," he explains.

"Are you married?" Landon asks.

Scott chuckles, looking at Mark. "Not yet. But definitely someday, I would love to marry Mark.

Mark blushes. "And, Santa dropped off one of your gifts at our house by mistake," he admits.

"Huh?" Beckham tilts his head.

"Uncle Scott, wanna show them?" Mark asks, and Scott nods.

Moments later, there's squealing and screaming as the boys open the Nerf Guns they'd been hoping for.

Scott smiles as he watches them, snaking an arm around Mark's waist, and leaning in to kiss Mark's cheek. "I can't believe you figured out exactly what they wanted," he smiles. "You're amazing."

"This is only like, the #1 toy right now. I promise it's nothing special," Mark blushes. "Besides, Santa brought them, remember?"

Scott just chuckles, kissing Mark's cheek again. "You're amazing," he repeats.


"Okay girls, are we ready?" Mark asks, grabbing his keys.


Scott furrows his brows. "Where are you guys going?" He asks, pouting. "Can I go too?"

"We," Mark corrects, grabbing Scott's hand, "are taking the girls to get their nails done."

"Uncle Mark takes us every time he comes over," Livy explains.

Scott nods. "It'll be my first time partaking in this Manio tradition, I see."

The girls giggle and they all get into the car.

About 30 minutes later, they're at the salon, and the girls are picking what color they want.

"Uncle Mark, what do you think? Pink or Green?" Brinley asks.

"I think you should go get Scott's opinion," Mark grins.

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