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i did this when i was like 15 with scomiche and it had a really sad and abrupt ending so we'll see where this goes i guess??

any bolded names are what scott has as his contact in his phone—even if it changes in the middle of a convo:)

may 11th, 2017


hey! it's mark!



i had a lot of fun last night. :)

me too!

it's not often you just...meet someone out in public that you click with!

yes! exactly!

would you want to go out again soon?
like on an official date?

yeah!! i'd love to!!


how does friday sound?

june 24th, 2017


are we still on for tonight? :)

hey! i was just about to text you.

my anxiety is just all over the place tonight and i really don't think i can go anywhere. i'm really sorry, scotty. i was so looking forward to it. :(

that's okay! i understand completely.

would it help if i came over? yes or no is totally fine!

actually, i think it would


and just let me know if it proves to be too much and you'd rather just be alone tonight!

you're sweet. 💓

i can bring dinner? there's a really good pizza place right by my work?

that sounds perfect, scotty.

okay, sweetheart. 💓

sweetheart, huh?

are the cheesy nicknames starting?

if so two can play at that game


...what do you mean

i've always felt a little forced when it comes to cheesy nicknames in the past but

with you i've just been wanting to,,,naturally, if that makes sense?

i totally get what you mean

because it's been that way for me too

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