mars video shoot

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"Mr. Hoying? Here is the selection of models for your music video," Scott's agent says, putting about a dozen headshots on the table that Scott is sitting at. "The director says he wants a love interest for the video."

Scott looks at the headshots and frowns slightly. "I don't like any of them." He says. "I don't think I want a love interest in the video," he admits. "I wrote this about my fiancé, and—"

"Hey, baby!" Mark says, passing Scott a starbucks coffee and a pastry bag. "I got you the spinach feta wrap you like too." Then he notices Scott's agent. "Oh, sorry, did I interrupt something?"

"Hey, sweetheart, thank you," Scott kisses Mark quickly, and when they part, they're both smiling. "Have a seat?" He offers, and Mark sits down next to
him. "The director wants a love interest for the video."

"Oooh! Are these who you get to choose from?" Mark looks at the headshots. "You've got a really good group here! Your video is going to look great," he says.

Scott sighs. "I don't think any of them fit the video or
the song," he says.

Mark raises an eyebrow. "Is this because you think it'll make me upset? You picking some guy to be in your video? Because I am totally fine with being represented by a super hot guy," Mark giggles.

"Marky, you are a super hot guy," Scott says, smiling a bit.

"Why not put him in?" Scott's agent asks.

"Huh?" Mark asks. "No, I don't think—"

"Scott said it himself. You're a super hot guy," Scott's agent says. "Scott, do you want your fiancé to be in the video with you?"

Scott grins from ear to ear. "Marky, please? That would make the video perfect!"

"Scott, I don't want to intrude—"

"Marky, you should totally do it!" Scott says. "I understand if you don't want to, and of course I'd never make you do it if you really don't want to, but I think it would be really fun. The song is about you, baby!" He kisses Mark's cheek, and looks at his agent. "We can have Mark in the video, or, if he decides he doesn't want to do it, then I'll be in it alone," Scott decides. He looks at Mark again. "I'm okay with either one, we can think about it and choose in—"

"Okay, I'll do it," Mark decides.

"You're sure?" Scott asks.

Mark nods. "If you want me in it, and it's okay with your agent and director, I'll do it," he smiles.

"Ah, Marky—thank you!" Scott hugs him, and Mark chuckles.

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