a beginning

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Mark hears a knock at the door.

Fuck. He's here.

Mark makes sure there's no wrinkles on his shirt, fixes his hair, and checks his teeth.

More knocking.

Mark is going on a date with Scott Hoying. Who, he'd never heard of before about two months ago. But now? He's head over heels for.

They met about two months ago at Tyler's birthday party, and sparks flew from there. They've been getting to know each other and going on dates ever since, and Scott is handsome, kind, smart, talented.....

scott: are u home? ☺️

He just really wants this to work out.

More knocking.

"Shit," Mark mutters under his breath, running to answer the door.

He opens it, and immediately feels at ease when he sees Scott's smile on the other side of the door.

"Hey," Scott says, his smile growing. "I was starting to think you stood me up."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Mark apologizes. "I was just, uh..." he tries to think of an excuse, but fails. "I was making sure I looked good for you." He admits.

"You always look great, Mark." Scott says, matter-of-factly. "Are you ready?" He asks.

Mark makes sure he has his wallet, keys, and phone. "Yes," he says, and Scott takes his hand once he locks the door.

Mark smiles as his fingers are laced with Scott's. It's a great source of comfort for him.

"How was your day?" Scott asks, as they walk to his car.

"It was decent," Mark says. "Better now."

Scott smiles at that comment. "My day's better now too."

"So, am I allowed to know where we're going yet?" Mark asks.

"You'll know when we get there," Scott smiles, detaching his hand from Mark's and unlocking his car. He opens the door for Mark. "You'll love it, promise."

"I trust you," Mark says, once Scott gets in the drivers seat.

And Scott smiles at Mark so fondly, that Mark blushes deep red. 

"You're so cute, Mark," Scott says, starting the car, and pulling out of the parking spot. He grabs Mark's hand once he's confident that he can drive with just one hand. "I really like where this is heading, between us, I mean."

Mark smiles. "Me too, Scott."

The car ride takes about 10 more minutes, and then Scott is parking.

"Your house?" Mark asks, confused.

Scott shrugs. "Not inside the house," he says. "C'mon," he detaches his hand from Mark's simply long enough for them both to leave the car, but once Mark shuts the car door, he immediately slips his hand back into Scott's.

"I got your favorite sushi," Scott says, leading Mark through the house, "And the wine you said you love."

Mark giggles, he's never seen any guy want to impress him like this. "That's sweet of you, Scott. Thank you."

"I've never been creative when it comes to date ideas, but, you're different..." Scott admits. "So, here," he opens the door to his backyard. "I thought we could have a campfire."

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