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werewolf scotty!! i think i wrote a werewolf 1/s a few years ago (probably scomiche) but this is a different concept !!


Mark is curled up against Scott, his head laying on his chest.

He giggles at what's playing on the TV, settling closer to Scott.

"It's a full moon tonight," Scott reminds Mark.

"Nooo," Mark whines. "I'm so comfy...can't we just keep cuddling?"

"Sorry, I don't control the moon cycles, babe," Scott laughs gently, leaning in to give Mark a kiss on his hair.

"How long until 10:00?" Mark asks.

Scott checks his watch. "Oh shit, 10 minutes."

Mark lets out a long groan and Scott laughs. "You know, I could, like, eat you or something. There are worse options. But if you'd just let me sleep on the bed while I'm changed..."

"No wolves on the bed," Mark says sternly.

Scott pouts. "You let Mozie on the bed!"

"Mozie is a dog all the time. You turn into a wolf for a few hours once a month."

Scott doesn't seem convinced.

"Do I need to remind you why we needed to get new sheets? You were so excited I let you on the bed you tore them up."

Scott blushes, embarrassed. "Sorry, Marky."

"Come on, we'll hang out on the couch."

With 3 minutes to go, Scott takes a moment to go to the bathroom (there have unfortunately been accidents) before meeting Mark in the living room.

Mark is sitting on the couch when he gets out there, and Scott joins him, laying his head in Mark's lap.

When Mark hears Scott breathing heavily, he runs a hand up and down his arm—the closest place he can reach—soothingly. "You're okay, Scotty."

Then, right before Mark's eyes, Scott changes into a wolf.

Mark smiles at Scott's wolf. "Hi, sweet boy."

Scott's blue eyes peer up curiously at Mark, and then he smiles and pants, happy.

"It's hard to think that you're a wolf, sometimes. You're just as sweet as Mozie."

Scott playfully growls, just to prove a point, and Mark laughs again. "Okay, okay. My big strong wolf."

Just as Scott settles his head back in Mark's lap, Mozart walks up to Mark, whimpering when he sees Scott's got his attention.

"C'mere, Mozie!" Mark pats the couch. "There's room for one more."

Scott lifts his head and whimpers in protest, but Mark gives him a look and then Scott sets his head back down.

Mozart jumps up on the couch and cuddles up beside Mark. Mark uses his right hand to pet Scott, and his left hand to pet Mozart. "My two favorite boys," he smiles.

Just then, Scott rolls over on his back, bringing his front paws near his face, smiling and panting happily.

"Some ferocious beast you are," Mark teases again, but Scott doesn't care. He's just happy to be with Mark. Mark knows that if there was any real trouble, Scott is more than enough to protect him.

Scott and Mozart spend the next two hours cuddling with Mark, and then Scott changes back into his human form.

Mozart startles, barks at Scott a few times, and runs away.

Mark chuckles. "Poor baby," he says. "He doesn't understand." He turns to look at Scott, who's now sitting up beside him. "How are you feeling?"

"Perfect," Scott says. "Cuddling with you is my favorite, Marky." He leans over for a quick kiss. "Can we go lay in bed, now?"

"Sure, Scotty." Mark says, taking Scott's hand when it's offered to him.

When they're back in bed, Scott wraps his arms around Mark, bringing him close. "I love you. Thank you for being here when I change."

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else....you're kind of adorable as a wolf."

"And scary!" Scott pouts.

"When you need to be," Mark agrees, leaning in to kiss Scott. "But when it's just you and me, you're as sweet as you've ever been."

"Good," Scott cuddles closer to Mark. "I'm sleepy. Can we go to bed?"

Mark nods against Scott's chest. "Yeah, baby. Goodnight. I love you."

"I love you too, Marky."

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