happy (college au)

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these pictures are everything. 🥺 ugh. onto the oneshot!

i'm kind of thinking this is in the same universe as "falling in love with love" and "meeting" in my previous oneshot book. :) you don't have to read them, the au is that they are in college and in love lmao


marky: christian brought his homophobic friend over again
marky: can i come over?

scotty: :( i'm sorry baby
scotty: yeah of course! i'm not home but you have a key

marky: thank you

scotty: kirstie's home i'll text her you're coming over:)

marky: i love kirstie!!! :)))

scotty: lmao she's so excited
scotty: she's asking if you want mac & cheese

marky: the answer to that will always be yes

scotty: she's making some for you:)
scotty: have fun baby!! i'll be home in about an hour or so

marky: thanks angel!!

It's about 10 minutes before Mark is unlocking the door to Scott's apartment.

"Marky!" Kirstie squeals, attacking him in a hug.

Mark laughs, hugging her back. "Hi, Kit!"

"I'm so happy we get to hang out," Kirstie says. "I made you mac n' cheese!" She passes him a bowl and fork.

"You're so sweet," Mark accepts the bowl and fork. "Where's yours?"

"I finished it already," Kirstie giggles. "So, spill! What have you been up to?" She walks over to the couch, taking Mark's free hand.

They both sit down on the couch.

Mark takes a bite of the Mac n' Cheese. "This is really good, thanks, Kit," he starts. "Mainly just hanging out with my friends and Scott," he blushes, "Trying to get through the end of the semester.

"Any tea?" Kirstie asks playfully. "Besides your roommate bringing his awful friend," she scoffs. "I can't believe it's 2023 and people still think like that."

"My teenage cousin is pregnant and didn't tell anyone for 5 months," Mark says.

Kirstie's eyes widen. "What? How did she hide it?"

Mark sighs. "Baggy clothes and staying at her boyfriend's place. And now there's only 4 months for them to prepare,"

"That's insane," Kirstie says.

They continue chatting for about 30 minutes when Mark's phone rings. "It's Scott," he says. "Hello?"

"Hi, baby!" Scott says on the other line, and Mark can hear his smile. "My last class got cancelled so I'm on the way over," he says.

"Okay," Mark giggles when Kirstie wiggles her eyebrows. "Kit, no! He's just saying he'll be home early!"

"Was she wiggling her eyebrows?"

Mark smiles. "Something like that," He says. "When will you be here, angel?"

The line goes dead, and the door opens.

"Always have to make a grand entrance, don't you?" Kirstie teases.

"I'm allowed to if I want!" Scott takes a seat on the couch, leaning over to quickly kiss Mark. "Hi, baby," he smiles.

"Hi," Mark smiles back. "Is that my sweatshirt?"

"He practically lives in your clothes," Kirstie says, and Scott blushes.

"That's so cute," Mark says.

"It smells like you," Scott says, letting out a few giggles before laying down, settling his legs on Kirstie's lap, and his head on Mark's lap.

"Want me to massage you, honey?" Mark asks, gently running a hand through Scott's hair.

"Yes, please," Scott says, shifting so he's snuggling closer to Mark.

"Is this the infamous Mark Manio scalp massage?" Kirstie asks.

Mark begins running his hand through Scott's hair, gently scratching at his scalp, smiling when Scott hums happily, relaxing. "That's cute. I didn't know he'd told you about it."

"Your scalp massages are the best, Marky," Scott says simply. "I tried to have Kirstie give me one but she didn't do it right."

Kirstie shrugs. "I tried my best."

"I think you might have forgotten the most important part," Mark says.

"What would that be?" Kirstie asks.

"Love," Mark says, smiling down at Scott. "As cheesy as that sounds, that's probably why it feels better when I massage you than when Kirstie does, Scotty."

"Kirstie doesn't love me the way you do," Scott says.

"You're....you're gay..." Kirstie argues.

"Oh, yeah." Scott laughs, and Mark and Kirstie join in on the laughter.

The three of them hang out together for another hour or so before Kirstie retreats into her room, wanting to give the two some time alone.

"You've made me soft, you know." Mark says, now snuggling Scott so his head is laying on his chest and their legs are intertwined, "I used to be badass. Then you made me go fall in love and now I'm all mushy."

Scott laughs lightly at that. "Is this a breakup?" He teases.

Mark laughs too, placing a kiss to Scott's chest. "You know what I mean," he says.

Scott nods, a smile on his face. "Oh!" Realization strikes. "I got ice cream yesterday, do you want some? It's blueberry cheesecake flavor."

"Ooh, yes please," Mark says.



"If you want ice cream, you have to get up," Scott says.

"Noooooo," Mark whines.

Scott laughs and Mark (begrudgingly) sits up.

A few moments later, Scott comes back with one bowl and one spoon.

"I thought we could share," Scott smiles sweetly. "Or did you want your own?"

"Sharing is good," Mark says, sitting closer to Scott. He takes a bite of the ice cream. "Mmm, great flavor choice, angel." He says. He puts another bite on the spoon, offering it to Scott.

Scott eats it right off the spoon, and Mark digs in for another bite for himself. He smiles when he tastes it; smiles at the current state of the world right now.

He gives Scott another bite before he speaks. "I love you," he says.

Scott smiles and leans in to kiss Mark sweetly. "I love you too," he says.

Mark blushes at that, takes another bite of the ice cream.

And the rest of the night just goes like that, until they run out of ice cream and they fall asleep on the couch, nestled up close.

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