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au where you see in black and white until you kiss your soulmate:)


Scott and Mark have been closer than ever lately.

Like, really close.

Sure, they only met a few months ago, but, something has changed in the past few weeks.


"Hi!" Mark squeals, running to hug Scott. "You're home," he muses. "How was your trip?" Mark asks, taking a step back.

"It was good," Scott smiles, and Mark passes Scott a glass of wine. "Ooh, thanks, Marky," he says, taking a sip. "It was so nice to see my family. Oh! And we went to this summer parade! It was so beautiful. You would have loved it."

Mark smiles. "Did you meet anyone while you were in Texas?" He wiggles his eyebrows. "Seeing any color yet?"

Scott laughs, shaking his head. "No, not yet. But I feel like I'm so close, Marky."

Mark raises his eyebrows as he takes a sip. "Oh?" He asks. "With who?"

Scott blushes furiously. He can't admit it's about Mark.

"Um, no one." Scott sips his wine. "Nevermind."


A bit later, they're watching Princess Diaries on Mark's couch.

Scott feels sleepy. "Marky? Can I sleep over? I don't feel like driving home." He says.

"Of course, Scotty," Mark says. "Are you sleepy right now?"

Scott nods.

Mark chuckles. "Come here, lay on me."

Scott doesn't hesitate. He loves cuddling his best friend.


Mark is in love with Scott, he knows that much.

But he's scared. Anytime he's even felt half this strongly about anyone, he's either laughed at, or he kisses them, and everything is black and white.

Maybe he's broken.

It's not worth chancing it with Scott, he realizes, as he'd rather love him in secret, right next to him, then loudly from afar.


Scott is in love with Mark, he knows that much.

Sure, he gets anxious in big crowds, but Scott is used to handling that; and sure, he laughs for too long. But that's exactly what Scott loves about him.

Scott finds himself wondering what color eyes Mark has. Everything has always been black and white, and no matter how many people try to describe color to him, no one is able to crack through Scott's head.

But as everyone says, it changes everything.

Scott, more than anything, wants Mark to be his soulmate.

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