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i didn't really know what to call this but this is just a random morning in their lives lmao


Mark spits out his toothpaste, rinses his toothbrush, and gargles some mouthwash before spitting that into the sink as well.

He fixes his hair in the mirror before stepping out of the bathroom, and smiling at the sight.

There's his husband, Scott, sleeping soundly, wrapped up all cozy in a blanket.

Mark hates to disrupt him.

He kneels by the bed, starts gently twisting Scott's hair between his fingers. "Hey, baby," he coos gently, and Scott is already burying himself into the blanket.

Mark laughs. "Not ready to be awake yet?"


Mark leans forward and kisses Scott's forehead, and his smile grows when he sees Scott's cheeks turn pink.

"So cute," Mark mumbles, and Scott opens his eyes.

"Not as cute as you," Scott says, his words muffled in the blanket.

Now Mark's cheeks turn pink. "You're sweet," He says, continuing to twirl Scott's hair.

"I'm right."

Mark laughs at that. "Good morning, Scotty."

"Mornin'," Scott says, slowly sitting up.

"I'll get started on breakfast. You have rehearsal in an hour, okay?"

"Mkay," Scott says, and huffs when Mark starts to leave.

"What?" Mark asks.

"No kiss?" Scott asks quietly.

Mark makes his way back to Scott, kissing him sweetly. "Better?"

Scott smiles. "Better."

"Brush your teeth," Mark makes a face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Marky!" Scott covers his mouth. "I didn't think about my morning breath!" He says behind his hand.

Mark giggles as he kisses Scott's cheek and jaw. "It's okay, sweetheart. I know you wanted a kiss."

Scott slowly places his hand down. "Okay..." He says.

"Okay. Get ready. I'll be downstairs working on breakfast."

Mark heads downstairs, and starts on some scrambled eggs and bacon for the two of them. By the time he's done, he hears Scott's footsteps.

"Hey, Scotty," Mark chuckles when he feels arms around him.

"I'm needy," Scott admits, letting a giggle out as he squeezes Mark tighter.

"My needy baby," Mark muses, turning around in Scott's arms and looping his arms around Scott's neck. He leans in for a quick kiss, smiling when they part. "Minty fresh," he teases.

Scott giggles at that, resting his hands on Mark's hips and giving them a gentle squeeze. "You're sure you can't come to rehearsal with me?"

Mark sighs. "Have a shoot."

"What for?"

"Halloween costumes."

"ooOOooh. You gonna dress all sexy?" Scott wiggles his eyebrows.

"The sexy costumes are more targeted towards women. Don't get your hopes up," Mark giggles.

Scott giggles and takes a step back. "You'll be sexy in whatever they give you, baby. Send pictures!"

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