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for Christinabeger


side note: they are MARRIED🥹


Scott comes back into the room after his shower, and sees Mark looking down at his hands, whispering to himself, and playing with his fingers.

"Baby?" Scott asks, and Mark looks up.

Mark smiles at the sight of his fiancé. "Hi, Scotty." He says quietly.

Scott sits next to Mark on the bed. "What's goin' on?" He asks. "You seem....jittery."

Mark sighs shakily. "That's because I am jittery," he admits.

Scott pouts. "You're...you're not having second thoughts, are you?" He asks warily, looking down at his own lap.

"What?" Mark looks at Scott as if he has 3 heads. "No, angel. I would never. You're the one thing I'm sure of," he says.

"Mkay," Scott mumbles, laying down and cuddling Mark.

Mark giggles at his fiancé, laying down as well. "You're so cute," he admits, and Scott giggles.

"So, what are you unsure about?" Scott asks, cuddling closer.

"My family..." Mark admits.

"I thought you said they were excited?" Scott asks.

"They are, they are!" Mark says. "I just mean...our families meeting, and stuff. What if it doesn't go well?"

"It will go well," Scott says, matter-of-factly. "Our families have been some of our biggest supporters, Marky. I think they'll support each other, too."

Mark just nods, though Scott can tell he's still anxious.

"Baby?" Scott asks, separating himself from Mark a bit so he can look at him. "Look at me?"

Mark looks at Scott, nervous.

"We are throwing the biggest, baddest, most kickass wedding ever. It's going to be the best day of our lives," Scott leans in for a kiss. "I love you, and nothing changes that. Even if there is a small hiccup, it'll still be the best day."

Mark smiles. "We could go to the courthouse and it'd be the best day of my life. I can't wait to become a Hoying," Mark giggles.

Scott cuddles close to Mark again, and Mark giggles.

"My snuggly baby," Mark teases, but Scott just nods in agreement.

"We're going to have a perfect wedding," Scott mumbles. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Mark says.

An alarm on Scott's phone goes off, causing the blonde to groan, and Mark to laugh.

Mark reaches over to grab Scott's phone and turn the alarm off.

"Time to get ready for our rehearsal dinner," Mark grins, kissing Scott's hair. "Wedding weekend, here we go."

Scott giggles at that, leaning up to kiss Mark's smiling lips.

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