late night talking

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"Baby? You awake?" Mark asks quietly.

"Yeah," Scott mumbles, loosening his grip on Mark. "You okay, sweetheart?"

"Yeah," Mark says. "I'm just...excited." He turns over in Scott's arms, so he's facing him. "We get married so soon."

Scott leans in and kisses Mark's forehead at that. "Yeah," he says, smiling. Mark can't really see it, since it's dark, but he feels it. "I can't wait, Marky. I love you so much."

Mark giggles, and Scott's heart flutters. "I love you more," Mark says. "I can't wait to be your husband," he says.

"I can't wait to be your husband," Scott gushes. "We should just get married right now!"

Mark laughs at that. "Do you, Scott, take my hand in marriage?" He asks in a goofy voice.

"I do," Scott says fondly. "Do you, Mark, take my hand in marriage?"

"I do," Mark says, and then he's leaning in to kiss Scott.

They both giggle, and that breaks the kiss.

"There. We're husbands now," Scott jokes, and Mark snuggles closer to him.

"I can't wait," Mark says. "I'll see you in your tux, and, and, we'll have all of our friends and family, and we'll officially be bound to each other," Mark says. "For better or for worse."

Scott leans in to kiss each of Mark's smiling cheeks. "I love you," he says. "Thank you for being mine, sweetheart."

"I'll be yours forever," Mark says. "I love you too."

They share another sweet kiss, and with that, they drift off to sleep.

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