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It's the perfect temperature to be outside. Not too warm, not too cool.

Scott is sitting on the park bench, writing lyrics in his journal when he hears him.


He looks up, and sees his boyfriend of 3 years, Mark, heading his direction.

Scott smiles at the sight of him. "Hi, sweetheart!" He yells back. "C'mere."

Mark is there in a few seconds, closing Scott's notebook and putting it beside him.

"I was writing in that!" Scott pouts playfully.

Mark settles on Scott's lap, wrapping his arms around the taller boy. "Didn't want anything in my way," He giggles, leaning down to kiss Scott.

Scott hums happily into the kiss. It ends quickly, but before long, Scott is tucking his pencil behind his ear, and wrapping his own arms around Mark, locking his fingers together. "You do know there's plenty of room on this bench?" Scott teases.

Mark wraps an arm around Scott's shoulders for extra support. "And what fun would sitting anywhere else be?" He giggles.

"God, you're cute," Scott says, tightening his grip on Mark.

Mark shifts his gaze up; watching the couples, families, and people on their own in the park.

Scott places a kiss to Mark's chest. "What'cha thinking about, sunshine?" He looks up at Mark.

Mark smiles as he looks around. "It's a beautiful day."

"It is," Scott agrees.

"Not as beautiful as you," Mark points out, looking down at Scott.

"Marky," Scott blushes, burying his face into Mark's chest.

Mark giggles. "Scotty! You're so cute!"

"Stop it, Marky!" Scott blushes more, buries his face more. "My face is a tomato."

Mark just giggles some more, and then tilts Scott's chin up to meet his gaze. "Can I tell you something?"

"Sure, sweetheart, anything."

Mark sighs. "You're my future, Scotty."

Scott stays silent.

"I'm going to be honest. When we started dating, I wasn't looking for a lifetime commitment. I was looking for someone to fill a spot, temporarily." Mark says. "And you've gone and made me fall in love with you, but now it's so much more than that."

Scott nods.

"I love you, fuck, I'm madly in love with you, Scotty, but, the thought that my life would crumble into pieces if I lost you? It's scary to love someone that much. I never knew I could."

"I know the feeling," Scott says.

"You do?"

Scott chuckles. "Sunshine, you're my forever. I don't know if you're aware."


Scott nods, a sweet smile on his face. "You're my forever. From now, until the end of time, I see you by my side."

"I see you by mine, too," Mark says. "It's scary, but also the best feeling in the world, to love someone as much as I love you."

Scott leans up and kisses Mark, then, and Mark feels all of Scott's love and adoration for him in the kiss.

"My forever," Scott mumbles, moments after pulling away. "I want to spend my life with you."

"You're my forever too, Scotty," Mark nods. "Just you and me."


this was inspired by their latest insta post 🥲🥹

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