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mark's first time going on tour with scott:)

"You're sure this is a good idea?" Mark asks.

Scott furrows his brows, confused at Mark's concern. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Me going on tour with you?" Mark says shyly as he takes a step back.

Scott pouts. "You don't have to come if you don't want to," he says.

"What? No!" Mark corrects himself. "I....I really want to be there, are you sure you want me there?" He asks.

"What? Marky!" Scott laughs. "Of course I want you there. You're my everything," He steps closer to Mark, grabbing his hand. "I want to be with you and I want to travel the world with you," he traces his thumb against Mark's knuckles. "I hope you know that...this? Us? I'm in it for the long run." He brings Mark's hand to his lips, kissing his knuckles as a blush appears on his cheeks.

Mark sighs, looking down. "Me too," he says. "And I love you, so much. I'm just, I'm nervous."

Scott nods. "It's always nerve wracking to leave home for so long," he says. "But we've lived together for, what? A year now? This is just us living together...all over the world."

Mark smiles. "Okay," he says. "Let's go catch that flight, Scotty."

Scott leans in and kisses Mark, then grabs his suitcase and they leave their house.


"You would have thought we've been on a flight together by now," Mark giggles.

Scott finishes putting Mark's suitcase into the overhead bin, laughing at Mark's comment. "I know, right?" He sits down in the aisle seat, while Mark takes the window seat.

"And you didn't have to get us first class, angel." Mark grabs Scott's hand. "But no takesies backsies," he sticks his tongue out at Scott.

Scott chuckles. "I wanted us to have a great first flight together. I love you."

Mark smiles. "I love you too," he says.

Just then, Kevin and Matt walk down the aisle of the plane. "You guys got first class?" Matt asks. "Not fair! Kevin, we've gotta do that next time!"

Kirstin follows behind them. "Just be glad we all got a row together," she says. "Mitch was smart and got first class on the flight on Wednesday."

"Mitch is already there?" Mark raises an eyebrow at Scott.

"Mitch loves England," Scott says. "He wanted to go a few days early."

Mark nods, understanding. "I can't wait to see the world with you," he smiles.

"What are you looking most forward to?" Scott asks.

Mark thinks for a moment. "Paris," he says.

"Have you ever been?" Scott asks.

Mark shakes his head no, biting his lip.

"You're going to love it, Marky!" Scott says. "It's so romantic, I thought you'd been!"

"Champagne for the happy couple?" A flight attendant interrupts with two glasses.

"Yes please," Mark says, taking a glass.

"Yes, thank you!" Scott smiles sweetly at the flight attendant, then looks back to Mark. "Cheers, baby."

"Cheers," they clink their glasses, each taking a sip.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are ready for takeoff.


"Thank you, Manchester!" Scott says, and then the band is walking offstage.

Mark is eager to hug Scott as soon as he turns in his microphone and his in-ears, holding him close. "You did so well, angel!"

Scott sighs happily, placing a kiss to Mark's hair. "I'm so happy you're here. So fucking happy," he says.

Mark takes a small step back, wondering where this declaration came from. "Everything okay, Scotty?" Mark asks.

Scott nods, smiling. "It's just, every show, all I've wanted to do is run offstage and hug you, and have you here supporting me, and, now you're here, and...ah!" Scott gushes. "It's even greater than I thought it would feel."

Mark smiles at that, hugging Scott one more time, not quite ready to let go yet. "You almost made my heart beat out of my chest with every note you sang," he says, still pressed against Scott.

"Oooookay, lovebirds." Mitch says. "Y'all are cute and we're glad you're here, Mark, but we've gotta get to the hotel."

Mark just giggles before grabbing Scott's hand.

About 30 minutes later, Scott's opening the door to their hotel room.

They get their suitcases in, and Mark starts to change into sweatpants and one of his own t shirts when he gets a glimpse at Scott's suitcase.

He giggles as he takes one of Scott's t shirts instead, slipping it over his head.

"Marky? What'cha doing?" Scott teases, toothbrush in his mouth.

Mark's eyes widen. "Um, I...I wanted to wear yours," he says.

Scott spits in the sink and sets his toothbrush on the counter. "You're so cute, Marky. Joke's on you though, whenever you'd stay home while I was touring, I'd steal, like, 6 or 7 of your t shirts to sleep in."

"Well, with 6 or 7 of my tshirts missing, I had you figured out." Mark says. "But it's okay. I just wore yours while you were gone." Mark gets into bed, tucking himself under the blanket.

Scott joins him, cuddling close. "We're just some lovestruck idiots, aren't we?"

Mark giggles. "I think so," he leans in to kiss Scott. "Gosh, only night 1. The rest of a tour to go."

"I love you," Scott says.

"I love you too," Mark says, before snuggling closer to Scott, and they both fall asleep.

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