endless love

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Once upon a time....

There was a king and a queen, named Connie and Rick. They loved each other very much and soon had a baby boy; Prince Scott.

Prince Scott had bright blue eyes and beautiful blonde hair. As a child, he would run around the kingdom, giving compliments to anyone he could, to make them happy.

Around the same time, a village boy named Mark would do the same.

One day, at just 7 years old, Mark, the village boy, and Prince Scott met for the first time, when Scott tagged along with some of the servants to get fresh bread.

"Hi! My name is Scott. What is your name?" Prince Scott asks.

"My name is Mark," the young boy blushes. "Are you the prince?"

"Yes, I am," Scott smiles proudly. "One day I am going to be king!"

"Wow!" Mark gasps. "So when I am all grown up, you will be king?"

Scott smiles proudly. "Yes! And we are friends now, so you can come live in the castle with me when I am king!" He giggles.

Mark blushes deeper. "I would love that, Prince Scott!"


As the two got older, they remained friends.

Now, as 14 year olds, they were closer than ever.

"What will you change when you become king?" Mark asks, as they sit under their favorite big oak tree in the forest.

"I will change the way we treat the help," Scott says. "My father is not very nice to them, he yells at them very often when they do things that they can't control, or if an accident happens. I will raise their pay and treat them with respect."

Mark smiles. "That is very kind of you."

Scott makes a face of disgust. "It is how they should be treated," he says matter-of-factly. "I was essentially raised by these workers, as my father is busy many days. And they are not treated fairly."

Mark nods. "I see." He frowns. "I am glad that will change when you are king." He smiles again.

Now, Scott frowns. "I am scared to be king," he admits.

"You are?" Mark asks. "Why?"

"What if I mess up?" Scott asks.

"Messing up is part of the job, but you are going to be a great king," Mark says. "If you mess up, you will fix it. You have a heart of gold." Mark reaches to grab Scott's hand.

Scott squeezes Mark's hand in response. "Thank you, Mark," he says, looking into Mark's gaze.

And Mark's fond smile, there, makes his heart flutter.

Before either of them can think about it, Scott leans in to kiss Mark.

When they part, Scott apologizes profusely.

"I-I am so sorry, I do not know what came over me..."

"What if I liked it?" Mark asked.

"You liked it?" Scott asks.

Mark nods, a blush on his cheeks.

"I-I liked it as well," Scott admits.

"Kiss me again, Prince Scott?" Mark asks, and Scott cups Mark's cheek before he leans in once more.


After that night, they started a secret relationship. Over the next few years, they fell deeper and deeper in love with one another.

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