moving in (college au)

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"I'm so happy we're taking this step together," Scott says. "Look at it! Our apartment."

Mark smiles, leaning in to kiss Scott. "I love you," he says. "I'm so excited to live with you."

Scott smiles wide. "I'm so happy," he gushes. "Look at us all moved in!" He giggles. "I love you too, babe."

Mark grabs Scott's hand. "Are you ready for our first night in our bed in our room? In our new apartment?" He smiles.

Scott nods. "Yeah, honey. Lead the way."

They head into their room, and change into some sleep clothes.

They get into bed, and Scott leans in to kiss Mark.

They part after a few minutes. Scott gets a good look at Mark.

"You're so beautiful," Scott says, kissing Mark's jaw. "I love you," he kisses Mark's clothed chest. "I'm so happy we did this, sweetheart." He kisses the corner of Mark's mouth.

"Baby," Mark coos. "I love you so much. Make love to me?" He asks, and Scott leans in to kiss him again.


Scott's eyes slowly open, and he realizes Mark is asleep against his chest.

Scott smiles. He loves Mark so much.

Just then, he feels Mark breathe out, and Mark slowly opens his eyes, then smiles at Scott. "Hi, baby," he mumbles.

Scott's smile grows. "Hi, sweetheart."

Mark shifts so he's not laying on top of Scott, facing him instead. "Did you sleep well?" He asks.

"Mhm," Scott says. "I always sleep well with you, Marky. How about you?"

"Out like a light," Mark giggles. "I love you," he says. "I'm so glad we live together."

Scott leans in for a quick kiss. "I love you too," he says. "It's going to be like this every morning," Scott smiles. "Even when classes start, we'll wake up side by side."

Mark grins, letting a few giggles out. "I'm so happy." He says.

Scott just leans in to kiss him again.


Mark walks in the door, and his heart warms in his chest when he sees Scott on the couch, watching Netflix and eating some popcorn.

Scott turns to the sound of the door opening. "Hi, baby! Join me!"

Mark hangs his keys on the hook and takes his shoes off. "Hi," he sits next to Scott, and leans in for a kiss.

"Hi, angel." Scott says. "How was your first day of class?"

Mark shrugs. "As good as it can be," he says. "My favorite class was US History, though," he says.

"Hmm, I wonder why," Scott teases, and Mark giggles, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

"The most handsome man at school, in my class? Not a bad way to start my morning," Mark says. "How were the rest of your classes?"

"They were good! I have some really good professors," Scott smiles.

Mark steals a piece of Scott's popcorn, "I'm really glad, baby," he says, before eating it. "What are we watching?" He asks, cuddling closer to Scott.

"Ginny and Georgia," Scott says, smiling down at Mark.

"Mmkay," Mark says, sighing contently once he's comfortable. "Hey, Scotty?"

"Hm?" Scott says, eating another piece of popcorn.

"I love coming home to you," Mark says, kissing Scott's shoulder.

Scott blushes. "I love coming home to you too," he says. "I'm just so happy we're finally living together," he says.

Mark giggles, snuggling closer to Scott. "I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart."

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