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some fall bc this is my protest


Mark wraps his arms around himself, running his hands up and down his forearms for warmth.

"Wait up!" Scott says, giggling as he catches up to Mark. He grabs his hand, and kisses Mark's cheek. "Okay. Ready?"

"Mhm," Mark hums, and they walk into the pumpkin patch.

"Apple cider?" Scott offers, pointing with his free hand.

"Yeah, that sounds perfect," Mark smiles brightly.

"C'mon, sweetheart," Scott says, and Mark blushes as they walk to the apple cider stand.

"How many?" The worker asks.

"Two, please," Scott smiles.

"That'll be $5."

Scott unlinks his hand from Mark's, taking out a $5 and some 1's. The worker puts the 5 in the register, and Scott puts the 1's in the tip jar.

The worker comes right back with two hot apple ciders.

"Thank you!" Mark smiles at the worker.

"Thank you so much," Scott says. "Have a great day!" And then he's lacing his hand with Mark's again, and they're finding a bench to sit on.

They sit on the bench, and Mark looks at the people in the pumpkin patch as he sips his apple cider.

A moment later, Mark feels fabric on his shoulders.

Scott smiles at him. "You looked cold," he says.

Mark can't help the blush that makes it's way onto his cheeks. "You're sweet," he puts his arms through the sleeves of Scott's flannel. "I love you."

"I love you too," Scott leans in for a kiss.

He tastes sweet like apple cider.

Mark pulls away with a light giggle, and rests his head on Scott's shoulder.

Just then, a family with two little girls walks by; the little girls squealing as they carry their pumpkins.

Mark grins from ear to ear. "Look, Scotty," he murmurs.

"Soon," Scott says. "I can't wait to start a family with you, my love." He reminds Mark.

The mom picks up the toddler, settling her on her hip, and the dad picks up the slightly older girl, spinning her around as she giggles.

Mark kisses Scott's shoulder. "You're going to be the best dad," he says.

Scott freezes. "Me?" He asks. "No way, Marky. That's you."

Mark giggles. "Then maybe we'll both be the best dads," he says. "Fuck. I can't wait."

"Me either," Scott says. "You'll be the perfect dad, Marky. You're so calming to everyone around you. I feel so at ease with you by my side."

Mark smiles, blushing. "Only because you're so calming to me, too." He says. He leans in for a quick kiss. "Okay. Let's go pick out some pumpkins?" He asks.

Scott nods.

They toss their empty cups in a garbage can, and walk around to look at the pumpkins.

"I want some orange and some white," Scott decides.

Mark smiles. "Whatever you want, my love." He says.

Scott smiles at Mark, taking his hand.

They wander around the pumpkin patch for about 10 minutes, deciding on what pumpkins they want. Mark pays the clerk, and they walk the pumpkins to the car.

"Thank you, sweetheart," Scott kisses Mark once they get settled in the car. "I love you."

"I love you too, angel." Mark says. "Ready to head back?"

"Mhm," Scott starts to drive.

It's only about a 15 minute drive home, and then Scott and Mark set up the pumpkins on their porch.

"Ah! They're so cute!" Scott gushes, and Mark chuckles.

"Not as cute as you," Mark murmurs, wrapping his arms around Scott's waist from behind, and placing a kiss to Scott's back.

"Marky..." Scott trails off, and although Mark can't see it, he can tell Scott's blushing. "The pumpkins look so cute, and, and—I'm just really happy. Happy it's fall, happy with you...happy in our new house!" He says, then he gasps. "Marky! Can we be the cool house for halloween?"

Mark chuckles, holding Scott tighter. "I think that can be arranged. What did you have in mind?" He asks, placing his chin on Scott's shoulder.

Scott thinks for a moment. "Full sized candy bars, duh, and a speaker playing music, and...oh, we have to get lights! And...we have to get really good costumes, and Mozie too! We'll have the coolest house in the neighborhood."

Mark chuckles, although he nods. "You've convinced me. But—I have to correct one thing."

Scott turns around in Mark's arms so he can see him. Mark moves his hands so they're resting on Scott's hips.

"Hm? What is it?" Scott asks.

"This isn't a house," Mark says.

Scott furrows his brows. "What do you mean, Marky? Of course it's a house."

Mark smiles gently. "It's a home. Our home, our future kids' home, our family's home." He says.

Scott is beaming. "You're right." He says. He turns to look at their front door again. "The pumpkins and the wreath—it's so cute!" He says.

Mark smiles at their front door. "Our home," he says.

Scott nods. "Our home."

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