roof (college au)

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Scott looks at the view of the rest of campus from the roof, admiring its beauty.

Students walk, birds fly and squirrels run, and he's able to just people watch for a little bit, which is nice.

The buildings at UCLA are gorgeous, too. It's not what one would think of when posed a "beautiful view," but...


Scott turns his head, confused, and sees Mark finishing climbing up the last few steps of the ladder to get up to the roof.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing here?" Scott asks, grabbing Mark's hand to help him up.

Mark steps onto the roof safely. "I got out of class early and I know you love it up here," he smiles, putting his hands in his pockets. "So I thought I would have a pretty good chance of finding you," he says.

Scott grabs Mark's hand and walks him to where he'd been sitting before. "I would have brought a picnic or something if I knew you were joining me."

Mark giggles. "You're sweet." He says, sitting down alongside Scott. "You've talked about it enough...I wanted to surprise you. And now I see why you talk about it so much. It's nice."

"I like to think up here," Scott says. "When I'm stressed, and, I just need a minute? I come here."

Mark nods. "It's a good place to get away."

Scott gives Mark's hand a slight squeeze, leaning in to kiss him.

Mark blushes, not having expected that. "Where did that come from?" He asks, a small smile on his face.

Scott smiles bigger. "It's a good place to be with you, too." He says.

"You sap."

Scott laughs. "I'm trying to be romantic, Marky!"

Mark laughs. "It still worked. Don't worry."

"Good," Scott wraps both of his arms around one of Mark's, and rests his head on his shoulder. "You make me happy."

"You really are feeling sappy, aren't you?" Mark asks.

"Yeah," Scott says. "Having you here, on my favorite place on campus? 's nice." He tightens his grip on Mark's arm. "It's makin' me all mushy."

Mark giggles, leaning to place a kiss to Scott's hair. "That's okay," Mark says. "It's cute. And you always make me feel all mushy too."

Scott smiles, kissing Mark's shoulder before sitting up. "Can we take a picture? It's golden hour."

"Yeah!" Mark says, getting his phone out and angling it so the camera sees both of them.

Scott kisses Mark's cheek and Mark giggles as a result, snap.

They both laugh, smiling at the camera, snap.

Scott takes the phone now, changing the angle.

Mark rests his head on Scott's shoulder, snap.

Mark leans in to kiss Scott, snap.

"These are all so good," Scott says, smiling as he swipes through the pictures. "Send them to me?"

"Yeah," Mark smiles, slipping his phone back in his pocket.

"It's getting dark, we should get home?" Scott says.

Mark nods. "Yeah. Come stay the night?"

"I wish I could, sweetheart, but I've got a final to study for."

Mark pouts, but nods. "Worth a shot," he says.

"But you can come stay the weekend? Meet me up here tomorrow? I'll bring a picnic," Scott smiles.

Mark leans in to kiss Scott. "It's a date."


marky: send the pics!!

scotty: check insta:)

Mark opens instagram, and it's the first post on his feed.

First, the one of them kissing, then, them both laughing, then, Scott kissing Mark's cheek with Mark laughing, and then, Mark's head resting on Scott's shoulder.

scotthoying endless laughter from me to you, my love. @markmanio ☺️

marky: :) i love you

scotty: i love you too🥰

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