the one

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"Let me see the ring!" Mark's best friend, Peyton says.

Mark blushes, showing her the ring.

"Oh my god, congratulations, you guys!" Peyton grins. "I'm so happy you two found each other," she says.

Scott chuckles, leaning in to kiss Mark's temple. "Thanks, Peyton," He says.

"What was going through your head when Scott proposed, Mark?" Peyton asks.

Mark smiles. "There was no doubt in my mind. Scott is the one." He says. "I can't wait to marry him."

"How did you know he's the one?"


"Hey, Marky, I—" Scott stops in his tracks, loses his breath for a moment.

Mark stops. "What?" He asks.

Scott blushes. "Wow," he says. "Look at you," he says.

Mark looks down at what he's wearing—a sheer shirt and some black pants. "Do you like it?" He asks.

Scott grabs both of Mark's hands. "You're so beautiful, Marky. Fuck."

Mark blushes. "Scotty," he chokes.

"I mean it, baby. You're stunning." Scott says. "I'm so lucky."

Mark giggles. "I love you," he says, leaning up to kiss Scott.

Scott smiles once the kiss ends. "I love you too," he says.


Mark comes out into the living room, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. He yawns.

Scott chuckles. "Good morning, babe." He says.

"Mornin'," Mark mumbles, sitting on the couch next to Scott.

Scott smiles. "Fuck. You're so beautiful, c'mere," he opens up his arms to Mark.

Mark groans. "I'm certainly not beautiful right now," he says. "I just got out of bed." He shifts so he can lean on Scott, and Scott takes him into his arms.

"Of course you're beautiful," Scott rebuts. "You have the most adorable sleepy smile I've ever seen," he starts, "and you look so warm and snuggly in your sweatpants and hoodie," he says. "You're adorable, and you're beautiful."

Mark blushes. "Scotty..."

Scott kisses Mark's hair, and turns the tv on.


"Let me hear you, New York!"

Mark giggles as he watches his boyfriend perform in his living room like he's at a concert.

"Sing it! Rain on me, me, me!"

"Yeah! Go Scotty!" Mark cheers, still laughing.

"Rain, on, me!" And then Scott starts dancing, and Mark cannot stop laughing.

"See, Marky, I told you I'd be a good popstar!" Scott giggles.

Mark nods. "You sure would be," he says, getting the last of his giggles out. "You're born for the stage, Scotty."

Scott laughs at that. "I don't know about that," he says. "You'd be the only audience member that matters, though. Each and every night, my eyes would be on you."

Mark blushes. "Scotty," he scolds.

"Was my sight off of you for even one second?" Scott asks.

"I-no," Mark blushes more.

"Exactly," Scott teases, giggling before sitting back down on the couch.


scotty: good morning, sweetheart!

marky: morning
marky: i'm sick :(

scotty: oh no :(
scotty: my poor baby
scotty: i'll be there soon, okay?

marky: wait scotty
marky: you work today don't you??

About 10 minutes pass, and there's a knock at the door.

Mark wraps his blanket around himself and answers the door, sniffling.

"Hi, sweet pea," Scott coos.

"Hi," Mark says, his voice hoarse.

Scott frowns. "My poor baby," he says.

Mark sniffles again, and Scott frowns more. "Let's get you back in bed," Scott says.

They get Mark back into bed, and Scott kneels beside the bed. "I brought soup, medicine, and I'll be here all day," Scott says. "Whatever you need, my love."

Mark blushes. "Don't you work today?" He says, pulling the blankets tighter around him.

"And leave you here? All sick and alone? No way," Scott says.

Mark smiles. "I love you," he says.

Scott leans in to kiss Mark's forehead. "I love you too."


"Marky?" Scott mumbles. "You awake?"

Mark turns over in bed, cuddles close to Scott. "Yeah, sweetie." He kisses Scott's chest.

"Can we cuddle a little longer?" Scott asks. "I just...need it right now."

"You okay, baby?" Mark asks.

"Yeah...just that work shit today. Cuddle me, please?"

"I'm already cuddling you, honey," Mark giggles, kissing Scott's chest again.

It's that moment that Mark realizes Scott is still tense.

"Oh, right." Scott chuckles. "Thank you, my love."

Mark frowns. "You sure you're okay, Scotty?"

Scott sighs. "I'm...hang on, not comfy-" He pulls Mark into his arms, but he's still tense.

"Hang on, sweetie," Mark says, spacing himself from Scott. "C'mere," he says.

Scott shifts so he's cuddled up against Mark, resting his head on Mark's chest—and Mark wraps his arms around him.

Scott relaxes.

"Better?" Mark asks, reaching a hand to run through Scott's hair.

"Yeah, Marky. Better. I love you so much."

Mark smiles. "I love you more," he says. "You're too precious for this world, Scott Hoying."

And Scott's giggle, there, melts Mark's heart.


Mark looks at his ring again and smiles. "I just knew."

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