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Scott has always loved spring.

Seeing cold turn into warmth, watching the flowers bloom.

Longer days, brighter skies.

Mark has always been a bigger fan of autumn.

Cool nights, reds and yellows, time for memories to be made.


"Marky, it finally feels like spring!" Scott says. "How about we go outside and have a picnic?"

Mark has a slight pout on his lips. "I hate to see the cool weather go," he says. "It's about to be summer and it'll be so hot." He crinkles his nose.

"But right now, it's perfect weather for a picnic!" Scott smiles. "It's a perfect day for one. Let's make sandwiches!"

Mark can't help but smile at his giddy boyfriend. He's so cute.

"Okay. Let's make sandwiches."

Scott claps his hands together excitedly. "Yay!"

Mark chuckles at Scott. "You're so cute."

Scott's smile grows. "I just, I love spring, and I love you, and—ah!" He gushes, excited.

A while later, they've got their basket and blanket, and they're looking for the perfect spot at their local park.

Scott's got the basket in his right arm and he's holding Mark's right hand with his own left hand. Mark's got the blanket draped over his left arm.

"How about that spot?" Mark points, moving their joined hands together.

Scott bites his lips as he looks at the spot. The sun is hitting it but not too brightly, and there are fresh flowers growing.

Scott smiles. "It's perfect," he beams.

They get their picnic set up, and Mark opens the basket, opening the container of strawberries, taking a bite of one.

"How are the strawberries?" Scott asks.

"See for yourself," Mark shrugs, a smirk on his lips.

Scott knows he's up to no good. "What are you up to?"

Mark leans forward, gently cups Scott's cheek. "Have a taste," he murmurs, leaning in and locking his lips onto Scott's.

Scott smiles into the kiss, breaking it. "You taste sweet like strawberries," he giggles against Mark's mouth, before leaning in and kissing him one more time.

Mark's giggles break the kiss this time. "Are we just gonna sit here and kiss all day or are we here to have a picnic?" He asks. "To be fair, I'm okay with both options."

Scott shakes his head. "No, we came here to have a picnic," he says.

Mark passes out even portions of food to each of them, and they eat together, enjoying the nice weather.

"See? It's not too bad out here," Scott admits. "And, the sun is out. Isn't it beautiful?" He leans back, settling his back against Mark's chest.

Mark wraps his arms around Scott, places a kiss to Scott's temple. "Mhm," he says, his eyes never leaving Scott. "Beautiful."

"Marky, it's cold," Scott pouts, wrapping his arms around himself. He moves them up and down, trying to create some sort of friction. "I should have brought a jacket." He closes the car door behind him.

"It's not that bad," Mark says. "I love cold weather." He closes his car door behind him. "Ready, sweetheart?" He offers his hand to Scott.

"Mhm," Scott accepts Mark's hand. "Ooh, you're warm." He squeezes Mark's hand tighter.

Mark smiles fondly at Scott, and Scott falters. "W-what?" He asks.

Mark shrugs. "You're cute."

Scott smiles at Mark, scooting closer to him when a big gust of wind blows. "Fuck," he lets out, and Mark laughs.

"Here," Mark takes his sweatshirt he has on his free arm. "You need it more than I do."

"Marky," Scott pouts. "What if you need it?"

"You'll just have to hold me extra close on the ferris wheel then," Mark teases, winking at Scott, then gesturing to the fair ahead of them.

Scott puts on Mark's sweatshirt, and immediately laces his fingers back with Mark's.

"Hi!" The woman at the ticket booth says. "How many tickets?"

"Two please," Mark says, handing over some cash.

About an hour later, when they're at the top of the ferris wheel, Scott does hold Mark extra close.

"I'll never understand how you stay so warm," Scott says. "I'm still freezing!"

Mark smiles, leans in to kiss Scott's cheek, tightening Scott's arms around himself. "You keep me warm," he says, matter-of-factly. "You love me and it makes me all warm and tingly."

Scott just giggles at that, and then points to the view from the top of the ferris wheel. "Look how pretty, Marky!"

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