getting ready

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"My love?"

Scott turns around, smiles when he sees Mark in a tank top and his white dress pants.

His eyes fill with tears. "Marky," he sniffles.

Mark chuckles. "No, no, no, don't cry!" He says. "You'll make me cry, too," his voice breaks.

"You're so beautiful, Marky," a few tears fall down Scott's cheeks, and he grabs Mark's hands. "I love you. I'm the luckiest man in the world."

Mark shakes his head no. "Mm-mm. I am." He says. "I love you so much, Scotty," he says. "Look at you," he gasps.

"Look at you," Scott giggles, then sniffles. "I'm just a few hours, you'll be my husband."

"And you'll be my husband," Mark grins.

Scott has to kiss him.

Mark's giggles break them apart.

"We should put our shirts and jackets on," Mark admits, though he rests his head on Scott's chest.

"Can we stay like this for just a little longer?" Scott asks.

Mark just smiles, placing a kiss to Scott's chest.

After a long moment, they break apart. Mark gets his shirt on and starts buttoning it up.


Mark looks up at Scott. "Yeah?"

Scott smiles at him. "I love you."

Mark smiles back. "I love you too," he says. "Help me with these last few buttons?" He asks.

Scott is happy to. He does the last few buttons, and smiles at Mark. "You're so handsome," he says.

Mark smiles. "So are you, my love." He leans up to kiss Scott. "Help me with my tie?"

"Yeah, yeah. Of course." Scott says.

"You okay?" Mark asks.

"Yeah. I'm just, I can't believe it." Scott admits, and Mark giggles. "I tricked someone into marrying me," Scott sticks his tongue out.

"Uh, no way, I tricked you. You're the trophy husband here."

Scott giggles at that. "Then maybe we're both just the trophy husbands then."

Mark grabs his bow tie, and Scott helps him tie it, and tuck his collar around it.

"You're so handsome," Scott smiles fondly at Mark. "I love you."

"I love you," Mark says. "Your turn," he smiles.

"Ah, okay." Scott says, and Mark giggles.

Mark helps Scott button his shirt, and with his bow tie.

"You're gorgeous, Scotty," Mark says. "My love." He murmurs, and Scott smiles.


"Boys, would you like to take a moment?" The photographer asks. "Back in your suite?"

Scott and Mark both smile. "If you wouldn't mind," Scott says.

They head into their suite, and they sit down on the bed.

"Last chance to back out," Mark teases.

"Never," Scott says. "I know this is right."

Mark smiles wider. "Me too." He says. "I just can't believe how lucky I am."

Scott grabs Mark's hand. "I say that to myself every day."

Mark giggles, and then there's knocking at the door.

"Hoying's?" The party planner opens the door. "Are we ready?"

Scott smiles at Mark, and then the planner. "Yeah, I think we are."

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